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Everything posted by Nikolausz

  1. https://actionpro.de/produkt/t-housing-aluminiumgehaeuse-h10-power-f-gopro-hero-10-und-hero-9/ This one is for digipower extended battery and compatible with the adapter. Maybe I'm wrong
  2. You may consider the T-housing and this adapter: https://actionpro.de/product/adapter-for-inon-lenses-t-housing-fuer-gopro-hero-11-10-und-9-kopie/?lang=en
  3. One more piece of information I have recently gathered. Backscatter rebranded AOI UWL-03 and in addition they developed a special mount base, with wich you can use specific slot filters: https://www.backscatter.com/reviews/post/Best-Underwater-GoPro-Wide-Angle-Lens
  4. It's interesting that vignetting is not visible in the Italian videos and in the Japanese video only in super view mode and just one corner. I still think that the differences are not that big. My only concern is the usability of AOI to take split shots. It's possible with the Inon but I haven't read any hint regarding the AOI.
  5. There is a Japanese more detailed comparison with more or less the same conclusion: Automatic translation as subtitle works quite well
  6. The inon supports split shots but you have to buy an extra ring. "Split Easy for UFL-G140 SD" http://www.inon.jp/products/gopro/uflg140sd.html
  7. The best option is the Inon UFL-G140 SD Underwater Semi-fisheye Conversion Lens, which corrects the underwater view from from 94° to 140°. It's a water contact lens, so you can't really use for half-half pictures (as your example above). There is a workaround to apply a special O-ring (and contact the lens underwater. There is a new cheaper alternative, the AOI UWL-03 Wide Angle Lens (almost half price) that has a similar quality.
  8. I feel your frustration. I also observed that even 2 action cameras next to each other distract a bit the fish. Even an Insta360 One X2 in a housing is too large and the double dome is very suspicious, not to mention a bigger system camera (I use sony A6400) in a housing.
  9. If it's for your trout project, I would just leave more cameras rolling with big card and just sor out the footage at the end. They will come back and will ignore small cameras.
  10. Maybe the cheapest option is to try GoPro labs motion detection. (I have no first hand experience with it but I will try it soon)
  11. This is a very nice underwater housing but an overkill in my opinion. To invest such an amount of money I would spend it on a better camera. In my opinion it doesn't make sense to spend 1800 euro to support a 400 euro camera.
  12. Hi Davide, you should use camera traps to catch those shy trouts. I know that low light is a problem with action cameras. Good luck with them
  13. Hi Waterpixel Folks, I'm Marcell from Germany. I was active at the wetpixel as gobiodon but now I just use here my family name "Nikolausz" I'm an underwater hobby videographer mainy focusing on freshwater environments but I'm not against salt water diving to visit colourful coral reefs. My work is posted mainly on youtube under the page: Secrets of the lake https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCghTY8CNKYo-xFHx8eZCzQ I'm also active on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/secrets_of_the_lake/ I try to contribute to the video discussions in the future. I hope we can create here a friendly and constructive community. Cheers Marcell
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