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Everything posted by t.tm.m

  1. I haven't experienced any noticeable difference, particularly when the monitor is facing upward (as it typically is for me, for easiest viewing). In this case it is the width x depth of the monitor that is contributing to your drag, and the actual difference in width between a 5" and 7" monitor is less than 2", so minor in comparison to the entire cross sectional area of your setup. I do need to hold the housing and monitor a bit farther away from me when shooting wide angle and finning, but again that is no large difference.
  2. Thanks for the thoughts, it certainly worked well for you in these clips! You even seem to have damped the start and end of the movement pretty well. I'll have to try adding some floats to my setup... I haven't been able to get smooth enough movement with it as is, particularly at the start and end of the motion
  3. Very lovely footage! The smaller one with its starfish is adorable. One question: For clips such as 2:00 where there is some camera movement to track the shrimp, was that applied in post or did you physically move the camera? It is quite smooth for clips like that one!
  4. Hi everyone, I'm primarily a video shooter living on Oahu, Hawaii. Loved the wealth of knowledge on the old site and very much looking forward to what this new one will bring. Thank you to everyone who got it up and running! -Toby
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