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  1. I'm just about to upgrade my camera and housing whilst keeping the same strobes. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on the best way to get the bouyancy of the rig to where I want it. Is it better to get the strobes and arms to neutral and then also get the housing/camera to neutral as a seperate unit as such? I'm not sure that I'm articulating this very well but is it preferential to have the camera and housing neutral so that a change of arms/strobes/video lights is easier to balance or does everyone just control the bouyancy for the entire rig as one?
  2. I use the Oly 8mm fisheye on an em10 mk4 behind an 8" dome and I'm very very happy with it. I have yet to notice any aberrations in my images but that being said I'm not one to search for them much. I also use the Pana-leica 9mm f1.7 as a backup lens to get roughly the same width of view but without so much FE distortion
  3. I have the standard AOI neoprene cover for my 8" dome. My dive buddies saw some divers rocking a big flexible rubber cap the other day but didn't get any details. Would anyone happen to know what they could have been using? I've been searching but I'm having no luck finding anything Thanks in advance, Al
  4. Hi All, Next week I'll be embarking on my first dive trip that requires flying with my camera gear. Are there any tips or tricks anyone has that may make my life easier at all? It seems that getting as much as possible into carry on is the best bet. Making sure my housing isn't sealed is the second thing I've picked up. Any other tips people can suggest? Thanks, Al Edit: Sorry mods, I just realised I put this in the wrong travel forum
  5. Does anyone actually send their housing back to the manufacturer for servicing? If so is it expensive and worth the cost? Or is it something I should look into doing myself when the time comes?
  6. AOI list them as 74.4mm X 3.1mm here https://www.aoi-uw.com/aoi-por-02.html
  7. I currently use a 30can esky soft cooler bag to drag my camera around in but with a big dome and strobes it's a tight fit... I was looking at the Cinebags Grouper but it's just so expensive for a bag. Is there a common trick I'm missing?
  8. It's an Olympus e-m10 Mk4, the thing that is confounding me is that the problem is intermittent and doesn't effect any of my other lenses. After spending the afternoon troubleshooting as much as I can, I'm thinking sending it in for repairs may be my best course of action
  9. Hi, I was wondering if anyone would have any experience with the Olympus Micro 4/3 8mm fisheye lens seemingly losing contact during a dive? I still have light metering and aperture control but a blank screen so no ability to take photos... It's got me stumped as to what's going on
  10. Hi, I'm Al from Sydney... I freedive with an Olympus e-m10 mk4 using an 8mm fisheye lens in an 8inch dome with Kraken Strobes taking mostly wide angle fish portraits
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