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Dive Shows in Europe: Boot and Duikvaker ร—


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  1. I understand how a diopter works, but there are some diopters that make it easier and allow more light onto the lens and others that don't, hence this thread. I need something strong like the SMC 2 ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. I am looking for a significant increase compared to the SMC1 โ€“ already on par with the SMC2 but easier to handle. With the AOI diopters, I often read that their design allows more light to reach the lens, making them easier to work with. Unfortunately, I havenโ€™t found any information about the working distance yet.
  3. Hello everyone, Iโ€™m currently looking for a new diopter. So far, Iโ€™ve been shooting with a Canon R5 and the RF 100 in a Nauticam housing, currently using the SMC-1 and SMC-2. The SMC-1 has already been sold and will be replaced with an SMC-3. Iโ€™d also like to replace the SMC-2, as itโ€™s simply too specialized and hardly usable due to its very short minimum focusing distance. Would you recommend replacing the SMC-2 with a CMC-1 or something from the AOI series? Maybe the 90 or 900 Pro?
  4. great test! Thank you! I'm very excited about the tests with the 10-20 behind a 140 dome. Do you perhaps also have the opportunity to test a 15-35 3.8? This is my current go to lens.
  5. great pictures Chris!
  6. Wow cool! Which divesite was this? greetings from the German site of lake C ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Im looking for a Nauticam Extension Rings.... 20mm or 50mm old or the new one ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Itโ€™s me again ๐Ÿ˜…. has anyone experience in booth triggers? I once read in another report that the uw technics is not as well made and seems a bit cheaper and more sensitive. What speaks in its favor is that you don't have to switch it on. I've already realized that I don't have to do that with the Nauticam trigger from time to time.
  9. I got the message from Nauticam - the trigger supports HSS. Great.
  10. Hey, im looking for a new trigger with the possibility of HSS. I found nothing on the Nauticam website if the TTL converter has HSS or not with a Retra pro Max. so which of these two triggers I should use? Housing: Nauticam Kamera: Canon R5 flash: Retra Pro Max / old YD2 and a MF2
  11. Selling here a used but fully functional Nauticam TTL A247363 flash trigger including charger and two spare batteries. Nauticam TTL Trigger for Canon Negotiable price: 350โ‚ฌ
  12. ok, thats a realy good point! Mhhh have to think about it ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. Is there anything against combining the two flashes Pro max and Prime? They should be identical in terms of handling and not so different in terms of weight underwater. I have ordered the pro max for testing. The display is nice but not absolutely necessary, so I'm thinking about saving a few bucks.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ
  14. It would be great if you could share it with us. I'm also looking for this zoom ring and another one for the Canon 8-15 with Kenko Tk. I have a printer but not the drawing skills ๐Ÿ™‚
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