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About pcremone

  • Birthday 02/09/1964

Additional Info

  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Sony A7rV
  • Camera Housing:
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    SUPE D-Pro, Backscatter MF-1
  • Accessories:
    snoots, colored light
  • Website:


  • Industry Affiliation:
    Fotosub Shop

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Anemone (3/15)

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  1. Thanks all for the responses! It turned out that I had the electronic front curtain set to on, now I turned it to off and it seems to perform well. The weird thing is that the problem was not showing always, but randomly. I will continue to test and hopefully it can be solved turning the e-courtain off. Thanks again 🙂
  2. Hi All, I have a problem with my A7RV camera. When shooting with the Sony 90mm macro at 1/250 (and sometimes at 1/200) I have often black bands showing at the top of the frame. The problem is showing with both a Nauticam manual trigger and Turtle triggers, both Manual and TTL. I use Supe D-Pro and Backscatter MF-1 strobes. Someone is experiencing the same problems? It doesn't seem to appear on wide angle shots .
  3. A first post to check the quality. Exported from LR with 1500 px long side, 72DPI and 70 quality. Shot with SONY A7RV, Sony 90mm macro and Nauticam SMC-1 lens. Lit with BS mini flash and snoot. Cropped in portrait form landscape size. 1/250 f18 ISO 160
  4. Sorry to hear that, usually Sept. is a great month for mantas.. maybe you had to look to the moon phases before of choosing the time, they are very active in the full and new moon.. Been there a couple of times and always got plenty of mantas!
  5. Nice pics, thanks for sharing. I've shot recently with EMWL-1 160deg. objective, and I noticed that I needed to 'cool' down the image because of a yellowish hue.. did you notice the same? (the attached pic is already corrected)
  6. Hello everybody, nice to see U all, I'm Pietro Cremone from Italy. I am first of all an UW photographer, and also run an UWP related business in Italy. Let's make this community a new great point of aggregation and informations sharing! 🙂
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