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Rune Edvin Haldorsen

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About Rune Edvin Haldorsen

  • Birthday 08/25/1973

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Canon EOS 5D MK IV
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Ikelite DS160
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  1. Here is my photo @Davide DB mentioned in the start of this thread. In the sea near Oslo, I noticed that i the years after 2013, the marine life dissapeared, the water got darker and the sea floor was covered with sludge. The environment was changing much faster than I thought was possible. In the years to 2012, we had sea ice every winter, which is something I have not seen the last ten years. Before 2012, we were normally preparef for 2 - 0 C watertemperature, while it nowdays seldom get lower than 6C during the winter. Frequent floods, underdimentioned water purification plants and high water temperatures during winter time did something with my local sea and one of the effects is shown in this photo. There are similar problems in th ewhole coastline of Norway, but the impact is lower further north. During this winter, I have several spots to document and compare with images shot at the same spot and date from 2008 - 2013.
  2. Hi. I'm Rune Edvin Haldorsen, an underwater photographer, statistican and bass player from Norway. I prefer photographing marine life in the kelp forests of Norway, but later years my main theme has been in documenting environmental effects of high winter temperatures in the ocean, too much fresh water and sludge and plastic pollution. I am not workin as a professional photographer, but still a few of my photos and film has been presented by National Geographic, BBC, Bloomberg, guardian ++ and i had photos on exibition in the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow 2021. The added image show some of the documentaiotn i do nowdays. It shows the change in the sea floor at one spot from march 2013 to october 2022. (Same spot, but the upper one shot with 15 mm fisheye and the lowe one with canon 14 mm L MK2)
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