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Erik H

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Everything posted by Erik H

  1. True, but define center. My understanding, although I haven't seen any formal testing, is that the correction already has a considerable impact very soon after leaving the parallel plane
  2. Type A is a much smaller card. Unlikely to have a equivalent solution. You can check out Pergear though for more affordable type A cards. I'm considering a pair of their 1TB cards.
  3. Great shots! Planning to do Maldives this year as well. How did you like Blue Force 1?
  4. Not sure about the statement that diagonal field of view doesn't mean anything. But I do agree I'm very curious what the actual projection looks like zoomed all the way in. I'd have to see some proper test images before considering it.
  5. This was me last year, coming from a7III. I went A7RV mainly due to pricing. The price difference on camera and housing adds up to a pretty penny. However with a comfortable budget I would probably go with the A1. But it prob depends on your needs, advantages of a1 - Better video specs - Higher native flash sync speeds (does this still matter with high speed sync?) - Marginally better autofocus Big draw for me of the a7rv, over the a1 other than price, is the 24Mpix files when shooting in APSC mode. Something else to consider is that sony might come with an a1II in the not too distant future. A1 is now 4 years old
  6. Crocodile fish sitting somewhere on Thistlegorm in 2022
  7. I shoot the 28-60 + WWL 1. I'm very happy with the combination. Would be interested in the new fisheye conversion port if I ever get my hands on it, but only for the additional field of view. To be honest at the apertures that we generally use underwater the differences between any modern lens formulas is going to be a figment of our imagination.
  8. Not as much photography this year as I would have liked but a couple of shots that I enjoyed, and I added a local guy aswell.
  9. Hi all! Great to see this new forum up and running!! Pretty new to underwater photography, but heavily invested now :) literally... @erikhoffmann on instagram
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