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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Panasonic GH5
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Scubalamp V6K
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  1. Yep, that's my experience too with the GH5, at least in good viz in tropics. The Med is different, obviously. I use the sun/surface to WB, and grade in VegasPro.
  2. Hi, actually I'm doing mainly video but I hadn't really noticed image deterioration as such, it was just that the port itself looked terrible. I suppose there are other things that affect the image such as particles in the water and it's difficult to tell whether it's the port or the poor visibility. Yes, it washes away completely cleanly with a cloth and water. You only need a very small amount of product (1/4 of a teaspoon would be plenty).
  3. Hi, I have a Nauticam flat port. After a few years' use it had really started to show some bad signs of water-marking. Anyway, having looked back at some old posts on the other place, I came across a recommendation for this stuff: https://www.amazon.com.be/dp/B00ADMA8GQ/ref=pe_43847721_694249361_TE_SCE_dp_1 (windscreen polish). It worked amazingly! A couples of minutes with the pad attached to a drill, then a few drops of water, a bit more rubbing and it was like new 🙂 The instructions say it's non-abrasive, but i don't think I'd use it on a port with a special coating or a filter. Cheers, Matt
  4. Hi, just migrated here from Wetpixel, where I learned so much, especially from the guys who set up this site! Hoping to have some more work to share in the not too distant future, with more dive trips than have been possible in recent years 🙂 I do mainly video, using Pana GH5/Nauticam housing/Scubalamp V6K, but ambient wherever possible (Red Sea/Maldives/Palau). Cheers, Matt
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