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Posts posted by TimG

  1. 1 hour ago, Troporobo said:


    Next I’ll need to learn Lightroom processing tips for the fisheye lens, specifically “de-fishing”.  Any tips?

    Yep, as Barmaglot says, don’t!

    It’s unusual for an u/w image to look seriously fisheyed - unlike a topside shot. You use the FE to get close but also to provide wide at the same time. I think it’d be pretty rare that you’d want to lose that. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Barmaglot said:

    but I've used the 90mm on a6300 in conditions where I could barely see my outstretched hands.


    I had the same thought. Macro lenses are ideal in conditions of poor visibility. You are usually shooting something only inches from the port so viz is, generally, not an issue.  This arrowcrab was shot in awful conditions using a 105mm lens


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  3. Tough choice!


    I think it's important you go where your heart takes you otherwise you end up hankering for something that you didn't get. And that's disappointing and detracts from the pleasure.


    That said.... macro isn't an issue on FF or APS-C. But as you have probably read ad nauseam, wide-angle is a different animal and housing FF lenses is more expensive, bigger and heavier.


    lThere is no FF equivalent to the Tokina 10-17mm. The  8-15 is the nearest thing but if the Canon version is the same as the Nikon (which I have), it's not a zoom in practical use on an FF body: it's two lenses - a 15mm FE and a circular 8mm FE. Almost counter intuitively, the 8-15 is great on an APS-C body and does give zoom range! As you may have read though, it's doubtful that with the huge difference in price its worth buying the 8-15 for APS-C. (Alex Mustard did a review of this with Adam Hanlon a couple of years ago).


    If you mainly look at your pics online and do the occasional print up to A3, I'd argue that APS-C is the way to go: price, convenience, transportability....


    ...... but then there is the heart issue. Will you always regret not getting an FF body? If it's any help, I went through the same dilemma when I sold my Nikon D300. I wanted FF and got the Nikon D800 with all the bells and whistles involved in housing FF WA lenses. I can't say I regretted it but my partner gave me endless stick about the amount of gear I was now transporting - and that was indeed a pain. After a few years I went back to APS-C with a Nikon D500. No regrets at all. And I use the Tokina 10-17 and the Nikon 8-15mm.



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  4. 1 hour ago, Barmaglot said:

    Huh, that Leak Sentinel V5 XB looks very different from mine. For one thing, it has a quick disconnect plug on the wires, which I thought was a feature of V6 - is it stock, or did you modify it? This is what my sample looks like:


    Over the years I've found the Leak Sentinel's can vary a bit within the same model. Miso seems to make modifications as he goes along and depending on the availability of parts.


    My V5 didn't have a connector either which, in my view, is one the best selling points on the V6.

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  5. 7 hours ago, Barmaglot said:

    Overhead. If they want me to check it - explain that it's full of very expensive camera gear; if they insist - well, into the hold it goes, it's not like there is any other choice.

    Same for me. I had to lever the bag under a seat a couple of times on Caribbean puddle-hoppers. We all survived. The secret is wrapping individual items in a bit of foam or bubble wrap to stop them smacking together. 

    During a fit of boredom or nerdiness, I actually made a bunch of bubble wrap bags for my cameras, lenses, ports…..  

  6. 1 hour ago, KirstyA said:

    Well you get full marks first off @TimG 🙂  Thanks for great comms and efficient sending of your tripod - now I just have to wait for non-brown water to try it out!

    Hey thanks Kirsty. A genuine pleasure doing business with you. 

    Yes, non-brown water. But, hey, I’m thinking at the moment (with diving months away) bathtub and underwater Lego scenes…..

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