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Dive Shows in Europe: Boot and Duikvaker ×


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Everything posted by TimG

  1. Gentlemen, whatever temperature strobes are being used, can we lower please the temperature of this discussion? We ask that you keep it civil. If you disagree, fine. Agree to disagree and leave it at that. Other members can read conflicting views and will come to their own conclusions. Moving right on along…..
  2. A really interesting question! I think we've all been there. Back from a trip, really excited about some of the images, cull them ruthlessly, show the "best" to someone else and.... yawn..... A couple of thoughts: Know Your Audience - wonderpus, many macro shots and those "very hard to get this" images, though fascinating to underwater photographers, can often leave a non-expert viewer unimpressed. There is often no wow factor - which, for me, is the key. Hanging upside down, water going up your nose for that shot-of-a-life time is something maybe to remember but it doesn't necessarily create an amazing image for the average viewer. Ditto those super macros images of the eye of [fill in the blank]. There's no pleasing all the folks, all the time! Trying to find an image that two home-sharers agree on is pretty well impossible..... some like strong, colourful, powerful.... others like restful, thoughtful..... You have some lovely images where you've used negative space really well. Those, for me, would be good images to select for display where there is a powerful graphic element and strong and limited colours. But your husband may hate that! For a book? Are you looking to show a range of u/w images from wide-angle to macro; or to demonstrate a clear individual style? Do you want to show the range and variety of life on the reef? Or capture the way you see the scene as a photographer. These produce very different and all very valid approaches.
  3. Hey Chris The more I read this, the more it makes me wonder if thinking about the technology and specifications is getting in the way. How much power is "need" is very hard to define. Unless you have some esoteric requirement, the Retras and the Inons are excellent. Neither (no-ones?) strobe will light the reef. A lot comes down to using the strobes and understanding their capabilities and then playing to those strengths or recognising the weaker areas. Over my years of taking u/w pics, I've had Nikonos, Inon and Retra. And none of them have "not been good enough". The Inons and Retra have proved to be very reliable. The Retras have a terrific range of accessories to help mould a really nice quality of light in the way you might want. Secams have their own issues because of their battery arrangement but, I understand, are maybe more powerful; and there have been many threads about issues with the Sea&Seas. But if I was starting again, I'd be more concerned about the reliability of the product as much as the power output - or even the recycling time: unless, as I say, you have an unusually esoteric requirement.
  4. Wow! Now THAT is how to shoot splits!
  5. Good question! It could be that Invision doesn’t allow use of carat. But we’ll check and if doable, I’ll let you know.
  6. Hi d2b! Welcome aboard. We hope you really enjoy Waterpixels. Were you having a problem with a name on our forum, here? If so, post the name you wanted and we’ll take a look. I’m not aware of any previous issues like that.
  7. That's a really interesting insight, RomiK, Thanks. Those big Matty Smith ports sound brilliant for splits but, yeah, for traveling, nightmare! I did think of one when I was living in Sint Maarten. But then reality kicked in.....
  8. I'd be slightly wary of using an 8-15 unless for splits unless you are happy with that curved look. The limited experience I've had of split shots is, as Chip says, to use the biggest dome possible - I'd say minimum 8"/200mm - but preferably with a rectilinear lens. Messing around to try a project with an aircraft landing in Sint Maarten (I never managed to get the mermaid in the bottom half, dammit), this was shot with the Tokina 10-17. Getting a straight sea line was the devil's own job.
  9. Hi vaidhy Welcome to Waterpixels! We hope yiu really enjoy the forum. Good to have you with us.
  10. Totally agree with this. It's always nice to get a new piece of gear - but always awful if it leaves you thinking, I wish I'd gone for the (slightly more expensive) version X+. Buy cheap, regret endlessly, buy twice?
  11. This was what we thought on our last visit there in 2019. Slim pickings.
  12. My focus light uses AAs (an Inon) and I chose it for that reason; and I dont travel with a laptop…. 😝 Chargers are great if you only needed one. But unless you can find things that are, say, USB-C compatible, you end up traveling with a bag full of chargers, cables and plugs. I’ve actually worked quite hard to minimise all of that. Then I can get a spare t-shirt into my bag!
  13. TimG


    Hi Wapiti! Good to have you with us and congrats on the move. I'm sure you'll see lots of familiar names here. We hope you enjoy the forum.
  14. Hi Jim! Good to have you with us and congrats on the move. With the increasing decline of WP, combined with lack of response from the owner, we thought we should establish a new forum to ensure the community survives. I'm sure you'll see lots of familiar names. 12th trip to Bonaire is quite something! Any thoughts on what changes you have seen there over the years? It'd make for an interesting thread especially as its a popular destination for US uw photographers.
  15. TimG

    Adobe Lightroom Updates

    Adobe have announced upgrades to Lightroom with Classic moving on to v13.3. Improvements to Lens Blur and an AI-supported "Generative Remove" feature seem to be the main changes. Additionally there is a new Filter by Exported Images option as well as upgrades to Sync Performance and Tethered Shooting with a Sony. Adobe's list of changes is below. I loaded the update on to my Mac Studio this afternoon and all seems fine......
  16. Hi Shelby! Great to have you with us. A warm welcome. As a WP hand, I’m sure you’ll see lots of familiar names. We hope you like the forum
  17. Hey Mark Great to have you with us. Welcome to Waterpixels. I'm sure you'll find a wealth of experience on offer through the forum. Members are terrific at sharing their knowledge and expertise - and helping you spend your money! Best wishes Tim
  18. @Interceptor121 @Adventurer Let's move on, please, gentlemen
  19. Oh sure, I totally agree - hence being interested 😀
  20. Yay! Enjoy!! And don't forget, anytime you need help on how to spend money, Waterpixels is a constant source of inspiration and sound advice. We're here to assist.......
  21. Yeah, I got that too and it was the first I'd heard of it. Fits all of the Retras apart from the originals. Interesting for sure. One thing I really like about the Retras though is being able to use AA batteries. Easy to charge, transport, replace etc etc.
  22. ....... aaaand a very good day on the makar0n sales market..... 😀
  23. Good man, Frederic! Great to have you with us. A warm welcome!
  24. Great to have you with us. A warm welcome. Really sad the way WP has gone. I’m sure you’ll see lots of familiar names.
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