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Everything posted by TimG

  1. Hey mandab! Welcome to Waterpixels. Excellent to have you with us. I can quite understand that move to Oz......
  2. With the news that the S&S correction lens may be staging a come back, @Phil Rudin suggested we start a thread for it. Good idea, Phil!
  3. Guys - I've set up a thread for this now......
  4. HI awe. Welcome to Waterpixels! We hope you really like this new forum.
  5. I've got no personal experience of the S&S but I seem to remember a number of folks using them and being happy with the results especially, if I recall right, using lenses like the Nikkor F 16-35 and Z 14-30. Good though you've had no issues. Good choice on those lenses!
  6. Divers24.com reports a fire, this time in the Red Sea, on the Sea Legends. Keep an eye on those lithium batteries, people!
  7. Edge sharpness with wide-angle lenses underwater can be an issue especially for users of full-frame sensor camera bodies. One solution to increasing edge sharpness, which has worked for some photographers, has been the Sea&Sea correction lens which came in 77mm and 82mm diameter options. But this lens disappeared from sale a little while ago. Waterpixels member @Ido has been in contact with Sea&Sea and has been told that the company plan to make the lens available again later in the year. So if you have been hunting around for the Sea&Sea correction lens and have given up hope, all is not lost...... hopefully!
  8. Thanks for posting that, Ido. Good to know. I'm sure there are a few folks who would be inserted to know when the lens becomes available again.
  9. The March/April edition of the excellent Underwater Photography magazine is now available http://www.uwpmag.com/
  10. Yep, as Barmaglot says, don’t! It’s unusual for an u/w image to look seriously fisheyed - unlike a topside shot. You use the FE to get close but also to provide wide at the same time. I think it’d be pretty rare that you’d want to lose that.
  11. Hey Simon Excellent to have you with us. Welcome! I'm sure you will see lots of familiar name short from Wetpixel.
  12. Hey John Great to have you with us. Welcome to Waterpixels! We hope you really enjoy the site. Tim
  13. I had the same thought. Macro lenses are ideal in conditions of poor visibility. You are usually shooting something only inches from the port so viz is, generally, not an issue. This arrowcrab was shot in awful conditions using a 105mm lens
  14. I would not have thought so. Great for over/unders!
  15. Chris is right on the issue of which carrier you use. Often using a low-cost airline is not, err, low cost. So many add-ons. We've had really good experiences with Air France, KLM and Emirates. Yeah, they cost more but when you start adding in the add-on charges that low-cost carriers raise, the different shrinks rapidly and allowances for baggage increase.
  16. Welcome, Jack! Great to have you with us. And congrats on the retirement. I hope it's very long and very happy.
  17. Monkeybusiness! Welcome. Great to have you with us. We hope you really enjoy Waterpixels.
  18. Tough choice! I think it's important you go where your heart takes you otherwise you end up hankering for something that you didn't get. And that's disappointing and detracts from the pleasure. That said.... macro isn't an issue on FF or APS-C. But as you have probably read ad nauseam, wide-angle is a different animal and housing FF lenses is more expensive, bigger and heavier. lThere is no FF equivalent to the Tokina 10-17mm. The 8-15 is the nearest thing but if the Canon version is the same as the Nikon (which I have), it's not a zoom in practical use on an FF body: it's two lenses - a 15mm FE and a circular 8mm FE. Almost counter intuitively, the 8-15 is great on an APS-C body and does give zoom range! As you may have read though, it's doubtful that with the huge difference in price its worth buying the 8-15 for APS-C. (Alex Mustard did a review of this with Adam Hanlon a couple of years ago). If you mainly look at your pics online and do the occasional print up to A3, I'd argue that APS-C is the way to go: price, convenience, transportability.... ...... but then there is the heart issue. Will you always regret not getting an FF body? If it's any help, I went through the same dilemma when I sold my Nikon D300. I wanted FF and got the Nikon D800 with all the bells and whistles involved in housing FF WA lenses. I can't say I regretted it but my partner gave me endless stick about the amount of gear I was now transporting - and that was indeed a pain. After a few years I went back to APS-C with a Nikon D500. No regrets at all. And I use the Tokina 10-17 and the Nikon 8-15mm.
  19. Hey gremlin! Welcome to Waterpixels. I love the 80/80. Count me in on that one - although I'd go for 90/90 😆
  20. They used to be a regular and reliable feature on a dusk dive on the Tanjung Kuso Kuso dive site in the Lembeh Straits. I don't know though if they are still around.
  21. Hi IndoDiver! Great to have you with us on Waterpixels. A warm welcome.
  22. Hey Dan! Welcome to Waterpixels - great to have you with us. USVI eh? Nice! Good for you - I'm jealous!
  23. Sold! Thanks, Mike. Have fun with it!
  24. It should be much better, Ido.
  25. Over the years I've found the Leak Sentinel's can vary a bit within the same model. Miso seems to make modifications as he goes along and depending on the availability of parts. My V5 didn't have a connector either which, in my view, is one the best selling points on the V6.
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