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Everything posted by TimG

  1. Welkom, buurman! Great to have you with us, Gerard. Local diving? Scotland diving? Man, you must have in-built central heating...... 🥶
  2. Just picking up Wolfgang's point, moderating on "Another Website", I did see an awful lot of issues surrounding Sea&Sea strobes. I know you've had a good experience with yours, Landvogt, but I'd be a bit wary of them if I was in the market for new strobes. Rarely read of an problem with Inons and Retra.
  3. Very cool! I dived 'statia from SXM and really enjoyed it. I can well imagine on those cold waters. Brrrrr.......
  4. Hey Crittermad27 Well done on the Retras. Yeah, cool eh? Assuming you have the Max, Pro or Prime X models: Pilot light - just push the button in the centre of the coloured illuminator. Press it once for pilot light to be on 50%, twice for 100%, 3 times for Off. Bumpers: yep, they need a bit of a push but that's deliberate of course to stop them sliding off. Try a bit of silicone grease or even soap to help get them on. I think Retra recommend you take them off after dives to clean the strobe. I'm a neat-freak with my gear and soak everything after dives but must admit I did not take the bumpers off at all over 250 dives - and the strobes still looked as good as new when I sold them a few weeks ago - to help finance Pro Maxs....... I LOVE the LSD snoot and on the Retras with the aiming light, the learning curve isn't too great.
  5. Super idea, Gary: Alex M? Chris Ross? You guys up for that??
  6. Hey Ruud! Great to have you with us. Underwater archaeology (had to type that slowly to avoid typos!) How cool is that?! Where in the Caribbean? Enjoy those cooler Oz waters......
  7. Thanks, Ian. Big sense of relief, I have to say.... we were determined not to lose the community that is so fantastic.
  8. Welcome, Michael - underwater weddings....... hmmmm..... great to have you with us!
  9. So hard to define "better". I moved from Inon Z240 strobes. I find the Retras easier to use, controls are clearer, instructions (hardly needed) are WAY clearer. I really like the quality of the light (even, gentle, good colour), the various accessories (for me snoot and reflector); I REALLY like the HSS capability and use it a lot for the sunburst type shots. Compared to the Inons, the snoot/aiming light line-up is pretty much perfect. After that, travel with just AAs and no additional chargers, very good battery life with Supercharger, quality build product, outstanding customer service..... Yeah, they are sure not cheap, but, for me at least, I think they are worth it. And I don't lie awake at night thinking, "...wish I'd bought those Retras...."
  10. That is odd. I'm sure I remember seeing your reply too. We'll investigate.
  11. Hey Floris - great to see you here. Welcome.
  12. Impressive how the nail varnish stands out in the dark! 😆
  13. Hey Puccio! Welcome - great to have you with us. What about writing a piece on tips for using a GoPro? We're keen to cover action cameras and are looking for people who have good experience and results with them.
  14. Great to have you with us. Welcome!
  15. I’ve been to Bonaire 7 times over the years and logged 235 dives there. I like it for the shore diving and, generally, for the macro critters. I love the laid-back feeling. But, for me, the reefs are not what they were and marine life now seems a bit limited: reef fish, shrimp and arrowcrabs. Slight exaggeration I know but no big things (yeah, the odd tarpon, some turtles) and even the macro life now seems to take some hunting. Very little, if any, schooling fish. Yes, I know it usually wins all the prizes for diving in the Caribbean. But, frankly, I had to admit to myself I was getting bored diving there. By the happiest turn of fates my partner, bless her, was seconded to a job in Sint Maarten and I felt obliged to join her (NB: British irony). Almost three very happy years followed and 436 dives. Sint Maarten is another of those curious Dutch outposts in the Caribbean. Although not part of the Netherlands (Bonaire is actually a city in the Netherlands), Sint Maarten (or SXM as it’s known) is in the Kingdom of the Netherlands so similar in status to, say, Jersey or Bermuda. It has a significant international airport and is a stone’s throw from the British hold-out of Anguilla. I read that Anguilla to Sint Maarten is the world’s shortest international flight. In addition, the northern part of the island is actually an area of metropolitan France and as such part of the EU. One island, two cultures. Best part: two cuisines – the Dutch part slightly more American plus Heineken; the French part, oh la la, French. Think top quality pain au raisin or croissant for breakfast, patisserie for afternoon tea. Excellent inexpensive wines, good restaurants, great supermarkets and entrecôte…… Unlike Bonaire, Sint Maarten is hardly known as a dive destination. But if you are into macro, there are all sorts of shrimps; you can trip over arrowcrabs; lots of reef sharks, turtles, gobies looking out of crevices, loads of morays, SCHOOLS and I mean serious schools of grunts, blackbar soldierfish, snappers…. I was teaching the West Atlantic REEF fish identification course there and the place is a Caribbean fish spotter’s dream. Plenty of wrecks covered in marine life and schools of fish….. and some intriguing coral mazes which are playgrounds for divers. Yes, you must boat dive which means, probably, a max of 3 dives a day. Shore diving is, sadly, minimal verging on the negligible. If I don’t get bored after 436 dives this place has to be good, right? So if you dive in the Caribbean and you fancy a change from Bonaire, check out Sint Maarten. Pack your camera, charge your GoPro, pack your snoot. You won’t regret it. I can recommend diving with Ocean Explorers (info@stmaartendiving.com) run by a super Brazilian couple, Lu and Jef. Jef knows the reefs there like the back of his hand and he and Lu have been running Ocean Explorers for decades.
  16. Thanks Ben and Buddha. Yep, know what you mean about how Scubaboard do it. We'll discuss.
  17. No worries. Let us know how you get on and maybe post some before and after shots? The comparisons would be interesting.
  18. Generally I think the problem of images appearing flat is indeed that the lighting is too centred and shadows are removed. Oddly, I reckon this is more likely to happen with two strobe users rather than with a single strobe. With two strobes there is a tendency to balance the strobe positions to mirror one another. You can't do this if you only have one strobe - although, if you have the strobe along the central axis of the lens, you are likely to create the same effect. I'd suggest trying to angle the lighting in such a way that it casts a slight shadow on one side of the subject. Try 45-60 degrees. This should help create a bit of depth and, if you carry it to almost extremes (120 degrees?), you could "Rembrandt light" the critter!
  19. Great to have you with us, Crayfish. Welcome!
  20. Great to have you with us, Fraser. How about an article of how you found moving from a GoPro to Sony FF? I'm sure lots of members would find that interesting.
  21. Great to have you with us, Mark Old? We not OLD, Mark. We are just getting wiser..... more distinguished......
  22. Good to have you with us, Tom. Welcome!
  23. Hey Ray Welcome aboard! I dived Ningaloo some years ago whilst living in Oz. Loved it. WAY better I thought than the BGR. Thanks on the book link, wicked!
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