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  1. All depends what you like, I stay here every other year for a a week to chill and escape the crowds, Menjangan definitely has the better reefs and fish density but if you like Macro there is lots to keep you interested in Pemuteran from Nudi, Frogfish, Seahorses and loads of Clown fish, they have sunk a bus in the last couple of years and there are small Frogfish on it at night. I like the mix, in the bay you can get 2 hour long dives in and be back in time for lunch and chillin in the afternoon😃 I alternate days between the 2
  2. Hi I have seen them and even have an odd picture on dusk dives in the bay at Pemuteran but I do think on more recent trips they are much harder to see, on the flip side ‘Shaun the sheep’ seem more common there now and I saw 6-7 on a small leaf in 2 metres last October. I always dive with BDA, Karin runs a great centre and we love Pemuteran as it is so quite and close to Menjangan too
  3. The usual route from the UK, Bogotá followed by an internal flight to Cali - Avianca,reliable and they have numerous flights each day, I always arrive at least the day before in case of luggage delays. Unfortunately for us probably the worst sea conditions in the last 5-6 years but the Ferox crew dealt with them very well, crossings both ways especially out were very rough so make sure to bring sea sick pills and patches in case you can’t keep them down. Interestingly I bumped into a guy in the airport who has been out to Colombia fishing numerous times and he said the same about the conditions last week. The water was very warm (28 degrees) and the usual higher up thermocline in Jan/Feb was not evident, there was very strong current all week on most sites despite the full moon being 2 weeks prior so we had to settle for the most sheltered sites like La Nevera. The strong winds we experienced on the way out died down and viz improved as the week went on but we still saw plenty as the life is so close. The penultimate day the wind picked up again (20-25knots) sadly forcing us to cancel the last day of diving (21 dives v 24 planned), very unusual conditions and I am sure El Niño is playing a part, a friend on the previous trip had calm conditions and great viz all week….but Malpelo still delivered regardless. The marine life was fantastic again, even on a ‘poor’ dive there is so much to see, this place has something unique about it. Many Galapagos sharks this time and close too, they are simply huge here, Tiger shark and the largest school of Eagle Rays most of us had ever seen (20-30) - we saw them often on Cara De Fantasma. Odd Hammerheads coming in from the blue and I do like ending the dive in the blue as you never what can turn up but usually if lucky Hammerheads, we saw the schools 3-4 times. Large schools of Jacks, Leather Bass, free swimming morays everywhere and lots of life in the rocks if you can tear yourself away from the big stuff. 5mm semi dry with a light hood and gloves (a must here) was sufficient and 15 litre cylinders are great (for men anyway) most of the dives are in the 20-30 metre range for the whole hour so extra air helps along with the mandatory 32% nitrox. The Ferox now has Starlink WiFi while you are out there too. There is nothing quite like Malpelo and being one of only 12 divers there is so nice, will I return for a third time - absolutely.
  4. Can’t help on dive centres for La Digue as we stayed on Praslin (worth a day trip and drive around, driving is very easy over there, stunning beaches - make sure to book ahead for access to the one at the golf course) I thought the better diving was the around the islands like South Marianne which La Digue is closer to, we did a day trip to La Digue and it is very chilled, cycling around was great fun Mahe I used Big Blue Diving and they were very good, twin tank dives every morning. Some nice dives off the coast there such as I’ilot, Lighthouse Rocks, quite a few sharks on some dives and lucky to see a whale shark too I suspect the Bay Ternary Marine Park would be nice to free dive, enjoyed the scuba there
  5. Went in March this year, dived the west coast and north, the North is better especially if you can get to the islands off shore such as Coin de Mere or Round island as mentioned in first post, they only go further out if sea is calmer. A mix of stuff so take whatever you would prefer to use on a short trip as there is a mix of both
  6. Certainly not the best photo but makes me smile every time it pops up; fond memories of a couple of days diving with friends. Uk divers do love to chuck stuff into lakes😂
  7. Loving the new website, thanks for creating it
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