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Everything posted by brightnight

  1. Looking for a Nauticam N120 Extension Ring 25 (can be a I or a II).
  2. Is this type of flooding a results of warming the metal housing up quickly that the metal housing expands faster than the o-ring leaving a gap for the water to get pulled in or what's the underlying cause?
  3. Made my first set of cables today. Originally cut the fiber with sissors and couldn't get the strobe to trigger. Used a razor blade to cut the fiber and now it's firing every time. Pretty pumped! Based on reccomendations from this thread I went with DiverVision for the parts and INDUSTRIAL FIBER OPTICS for the fiber optic cable: 81 0556 - 613-core Fused Multi-core Simplex Cable, Polyethylene Jacket Leadtime:estimated 3-4 weeks- MCQ-1000
  4. Appreciate all the advice and suggestions! Looked into many options to add a vacuum sensor but they are all pretty pricey for what it is. Still, would be nice to have for peace of mind and might allow me to preemptively save my rig before the water alarm goes off. Now that I've confirmed that my setup doesn't have the capability to indicate if there is a vacuum or if the vacuum is lost, I think I might just build my own sensor system. Looks like there's plenty of room for a small board in my housing and I can pop an LED indicator up near the LCD window. Will make a DIY post so others can follow if I decide to make one.
  5. I assume I should only put my battery in the leak detection circuit when I will be using it as I don't have a switch to turn everything on or off. I tested my leak detection circuit and it works (blinking a red LED and beeping) when I apply water to the contacts. In videos online I’ve seen the more modern Nauticam housings have an LED that goes green when the vacuum is pulled and red when the vacuum is released. I assume that because my leak detection system is older that it doesn't have that functionality. Is it worth it to upgrade it and is that something I can install myself? null
  6. Setting up my Nauticam 5dmIII housing for the first time and was wondering if someone can help me understand some of the basics I still don't understand: 1) I have an older style vacuum port that has a gauage that is listed in in/Hg. How much vacuum I should pull on the housing when diving? All the recent videso I could find on this only go by a colored blinking LED which I don't have. Around 13in/Hg the vacuum pump was making a clicking noise when I pulled it back every time and it sounded like I was starting to stress what I assume was the bladder inside the hand pump but wasn't sure what's normal and if that was too much. I left the housing at 15in/Hg overnight and it held for 24 hours. 2) I'll mostly be taking my housing from warmer air into colder water that's ~40F (4C). Do people put silica gel packets in their housings or how much is condensation/moisture going to be a problem? I know some people soak their cameras before diving but it's unclear to be how much this is going to help and worried condensation or fogging might still be a problem. 3) I have a Nauticam FLash trigger for Canon which takes two CR3032 batteries and the user manual says it's good for 5000 flashes. I'd really like to know the standby time too (powered on but not being used), does anyone have any idea what that might be? Obviously I won't leave it on but it might happen or might be using it for 8 hours non stop and would be good to know. Part Number: NA-26301
  7. Looking for a nauticam replacement viewfinder: null
  8. Will definitely post results. Waiting for my Seaskin drysuit build to be finsihed so won't have it in the water until late May.
  9. Wasn't an easy decision and talked to many people. Ultimately I was on a tight budget for a monitor which really limited my choices even with used gear. I got a great deal on a lightly used Kraken 7" for about $1300. It's 2200 knits, comes with a bulkhead,HDMI cable, and different HDMI adapters. If it fails I can't just replace the monitor but talked to a couple people who had good experiences and the Kraken support was responsive to my questions.
  10. I can't speak from personal experience as my monitor just arrived yet but these are the scenerios where it will be particurally helpful to me: -Holding camera underwter off the side of a boat -Holding the camera on the bottom in shallow water close to a subject and can't get down to the camera for a variety of reasons (spook the animal you're photographing, snorkling, etc)., -Just want to frame the shot better and need a bigger scren to do it
  11. Apprecaite the heads up but member here hooked me up with a pair of Inon Z330's!
  12. Looking forward to making some strobe cables! Just ordered some 613-core Fused Multi-core Simplex Cable and these connectors for the Nauticam 5dMIII housing and Inon Z330 strobes. If I missed anything please let me know. Strobe Side: Howhsot Fiber Adapter for INON https://reurl.cc/YVoqn0 Nauticam Housing side: Howshot Fiber Adapter Set M11 for Nauticam Housings https://reurl.cc/eLoynK
  13. Is there an easy way to leave seller feedback? All good experiences, just want to help people build seller reputations and didn't see anything when going to their profile.
  14. I was eyeing those 🙂 but yeah, a bit outside my budget and didn't want to low ball you. They look like they are in great shape and I hear great things about them.
  15. According to this listing I believe they sold: https://www.ebay.com/itm/116001392408?itmmeta=01HPMTDHY38GECEKW5Z46HQ68B&hash=item1b0238c718:g:fmUAAOSw8yBlZk4x&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwNz0c7D9XTlu0L1TyQMM3sK77MvjKuFKZIXJzU6x%2Bll%2BCldXebJzd4garh8gGfCizE%2F%2BhvoDhfa08y1oOmtbVXi5Ws4P%2BZiJ%2BQKu5ecFNq8yYx3V8tnkHWUwiTscpjsI6IPoW7oV0lw%2BL8fUXtn8LQohcUxjRzqiXclQrPVpe34TwJ83ogowG%2Fz3q2BEcIWUaRE0mN2GlG%2FvU%2F%2BhItZH8be0B41laEc38TVD0tF6wuV3JQznukoZ%2Bc5p6RXkevZd5w%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4qftpq1Yw
  16. Nope, thanks for checking. Long time member on Scuba Board had their account hacked. Person that impersonated them listed a single Z330 for an amazing price which was a red flag. He asked me and another person interested to pay paypal friends and family, we both refused but sent money for goods and services. Were able to get our money back. User who's account was hacked was on top of their game and had their account back under control in 2 hours which is an amazing feat and posted about it to warn us. He also wrote a statement that greatly helped my Paypal case.
  17. That very interesting, I had assumed the size would be the biggest challange with a larger monitor being harder to move through the water but I've never been diving with one. Thanks for your input!
  18. Thank you I really appreciate all the advice! I posted a month or so ago looking for Z330's but would be a good idea to post again. I "bought" one on the classifieds but someone had their account hacked and it was a scam. Thankfully despite what the hacked account asked for, I paid with paypal goods and services and was able to get my money back after a long dispute with Paypal. I have the classifieds bookmarked and check 2-3 times a day, the flashes on Scuba board ended up going to someone local but I still have a couple months for something to pop up. I'm also aware that I might be asking too much from what I want in a strobe. It seems like when somone gets into a new hobby they naively want one thing that can do it all. Cheap, small, powerfull, etc, and usually you can't have it all. I recognize that I might need two different types of strobes, one for snorkeling that are compact and don't have tons of power and another larger higher power set but trying to find the best of everything including cost at the moment : )
  19. Thanks for the tips, unfortuantely the 330's sold before I could get them. I keep wondering when Inon will release a replacement but none on their distributors are aware of any releases so might end up looking at the Inon 240 V4. Thanks again!
  20. I'm not using a monitor yet, just trying to decide on what sized monitor to use. Probably will select between the Kraken 5" or Kraken 7" screens.
  21. Thanks I messaged them on Scuba board yesterday. Didn't know flashes won't reach out that far, thanks for the infos and suggestions!
  22. Is there a big difference between diving with a 5" monitor vs a 7"? Mostly wondering in terms of maneuverability. Having a bigger screen would be much more benefitcial for framing images but don't know how much a larger screen would reduce my my movements compared to a 5" monitor. Seems like batteries last longer on smaller screen which is another plus.
  23. I’m building my first underwater camera system around a Canon 5DmIV in a Nauticam housing. I’ve done a lot of research but lack the real-world experience needed to pick the right strobe for my style, and I know how critical good lighting is from my land photography. I had planned to use something like two Inon 240’s since many of the people I talked to who shoot the way I'd like to, use the 240's. However, reviews suggested the Inon z330 is a much better strobe but it's not made anymore and hard to find so I’m trying to figure out what will work best for my use cases: Three scenarios I plan to shoot (none involve macro): 1) Snorkeling/shallow diving of freshwater fish in rivers and ponds, expect subjects to be less ~5 ft away 2) Holding the camera underwater off the side of a boat while fish are being reeled in or released. Fish such as tuna might be up to 20ft away. 3) Camera placed in river on tripod and triggered from the shore Other Considerations: -strobe must be triggered by fiber optics (only open ports on my housing) -Ideally looking to pick up two used strobes for ~<$1000 -Since I’ll be snorkeling much of the time, a smaller/more maneuverable strobe is better -Any strobes that can sit in standby for a long time would be a big plus Wondering if I should hold out for a deal on a couple of Inon z330’s or maybe look at the older 240’s. Inon has the new Inon S-220’s which are also an option. There are many other companies to consider such as Ikelite, sea and Sea, etc, but not sure what will work best for me. Have heard good things about the YS-D3's which come up ocasionally. Retra flashes never seem to make it to the used market. Also read that you can’t compare guide numbers from one strobe manufacturer to another so having a hard time understanding all the options and would apprecaite any advice. I'm looking to pick something up in the next two months so don't need an immediate solution.
  24. Wow, thank you so much for posting all of this!
  25. That's a fantastic idea, thank you for the suggestion! Unfortuarely I signed up for wetpixel just after they stopped approving new members so I can't see the post but will do more research online.
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