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Pavel Kolpakov

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    Taiwan, Province Of China

Everything posted by Pavel Kolpakov

  1. Land strobes underwater were an acceptable solution in the past. I used Nikon and Canon strobes in Subal housings. But it was many years ago. That era is long gone. I support the previous answers about some disadvantages of land strobes underwater nowadays. Usually the list is following: - The 2 land strobes in a pair (paralleled on a HotShoe interface) cannot communicate with a camera for TTL / HSS and other functionality, intellectual protocol totally doesn't work. Only manual flash is available by the central contact grounding. As for me, this is a main problem. Of course, some solutions are exist for this, but not simple. - Using a land strobe, an electric sync cord is necessary for communication with the camera. Electric cords underwater are not reliable enough, often get damages, leakages etc. We prefer to use mainly fiber optics nowadays. - Some more difficult to change batteries in the land strobe installed inside the housing, comparing to underwater strobe. - Land strobe functionality is some restricted because of the few buttons on the strobe housing. - Many underwater strobes are more powerful, than land strobes. This is typical. - The size and weight of the land strobe+housing usually are bigger than underwater strobe of the same power. This is important for traveling. - The complete set of land strobe+housing has the similar price or more expensive, than underwater strobe. Nowadays, i would use a land strobe in underwater housing just for interest, but only 1 strobe (not a pair). I love to use retro equipment sometimes, it reminds me about the past.
  2. Thank you guys! I will be happy to participate here on the forum with you.
  3. Greetings to all forum participants. My name is Pavel Kolpakov. I've been photographing underwater for about 20 years. I work as a technical specialist in the company Underwater Technics Co., LTD (Taiwan). I will be glad to communicate with amateur and professional photographers on the forum. I use photo cameras Nikon, Canon, Sony and Olympus, and underwater housings Nauticam, Subal, Sea&Sea, Nexus, Seafrogs, Ikelite, underwater strobes: Inon, Sea&Sea, Ikelite, Subtronic. Communication on the forum is always very interesting for me. For my part, I am ready to help everyone who is interested in underwater photographic equipment, especially lighting gear (strobes, triggers, TTL converters, cables, bulkheads, etc.).
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