Same subject showing close up and at distance Canon R7 with 60mm .Very impressed i have tried it with the 100mm in a big swell but very happy with the out come. Subject size 20mm
As an R7 user ,the 10-17 is a very sharp lens i stopped using the WWL finding it a bit soft compared to the 10-17mm.
Another added bonus is the camera sync's with the flash at 1/ 400 and no black line across the bottom of your photographs try it and find out ,i had no problems with Inon z240 and Retra pro
Photograph settings iso 400 f/18 1/400sec
Enjoy playing with the R7
Thank you Osker I found out by accident and then watched a Retra video by Alex Mustard and he turned the dial and it flipped .many thanks for the reply.
Yes guys thank you very much i had just discovered this while playing with the strobe ,turn all the way to the U setting and back and it flipped .normally only used in manual. As Tim said now feeling stupid but this is the idea of Waterpixel to help us stupid old folk.😀
Hi all ,
A friend has just bought some Retra Pro Max strobe and one of the Led screens is upside down, bearing in mind i have had mine for about 6 months and as i have not been night diving didn't notice i have one upside-down ,anyone else ?
Hi John ,i use the Stix floats but i don't like the Stix arms as you can see in the photograph my arm are slightly bigger but the STIX floats have different insets
I use the R7 you would need the 100-120 adapter to use the 10-17mm with a mini dome ,add a 10mm spacer and yo could then use the Canon 8-15mm from the 9mm . Another nice thing about the R7 using the Nauticam flash you can sync your strobes up to 400th sec i have a few friend that use Z240 and Retra strobes makes a difference shooting into the sun
For sale
Part no 83202 Wet wide lens 1B (WWL-1B)130deg.FOV with compatible lenses
67mm Bayonet converter 11
Very little use ,one small mark on the collar in photograph, Torquay UK based
£950 plus postage