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Everything posted by humu9679

  1. Aloha and welcome. Much of the old gang are here! Craig
  2. Aloha and welcome Luca. There are plenty of (mostly) friendly people here who can help you. If there is a question you want to ask, you might also search for topics of interest. It's possible your question has been discussed - but - there are always new and unusual questions people have. Best, Craig
  3. Enjoy time with your mum. Great news on her health! Come dive with me when you're home. Best, Craig
  4. Marauder Pride! Very cool. Easy diving here than South Carolina sis.
  5. It appears we don't have that capability here. Best to reply to the original thread and state your changes.
  6. Update: Up for sale is a Nauticam housing for the Sony A7c in very good condition. Comes with UW Technics flash trigger and a Nauticam Sony flash trigger. It is vacuum ready. You just need the button and cap. It has fewer than 100 dives on her, and I would go far longer before I would consider servicing. $1750 plus $30 shipping. $1300 and free shipping within the USA. Add 3.49% if you require an invoice. 30 day money back guarantee from the date of delivery (you pay shipping and insurance)
  7. Aloha and welcome Dave!
  8. Holy moley Alex! That's mesmerizing and beautiful. Well done sir.
  9. Love that. Really nice work, and a lot of creatures we don't get to see often.
  10. I've had a single coiled (unreinforced) cord break as it was clipped to a lanyard on the side of a zodiac. As I saw the rig escaping, it was luckily only 40 feet to a sandy bottom. I use doubles with quick release buckles a la TimG. Great for shore diving, too.
  11. Camera envy or not ... that's a fine photo. I figure it's better to be streamlined traveling around these days. Unless you're a business writing this stuff off, or a trust fund baby, I'd say save some dough and put it in your 401k.
  12. I believe the PEN mounts include the old Olympus housings for the E-M1, E-M5, E-M10, etc, and includes some AOI branded housings. There is an adapter to fit some of the old ports onto the newer "OM-D" housings but there are ports made specifically for OM-D OM System's nomenclature is appropriate given its history, but it is confusing. OM-D E-xx, E-PLx are Olympus names, and OM-1, OM-5 are OM System names.
  13. humu9679


    An interesting creature!
  14. Saw this on Scubaboard for the 140mm port, 17mm extension and the Olympus 8mm fisheye: https://scubaboard.com/community/threads/nauticam-port-olympus-lens.654395/ I liked the smaller footprint of the Panasonic 8mm - which seemed fine to me.
  15. Nicely done and superbly cataloged. I do wish iNaturalist would allow for short video clips but they're stuck in the 20th century.
  16. Aloha from Oahu, and welcome! Wonderful news about your mum.
  17. I stand corrected. Yes, that is apparently what you are getting: a circular fisheye image. Not much to do about that.
  18. It looks like that port isn’t matched for the FCON-T02. The lens sits too far back, hence the image. I’m not sure I’d even call that a vignette. Can you photograph the camera with the conversion lens and the set up that vignettes so much? A grab shot with your phone will suffice. craig
  19. Aloha and welcome! Your stuff is great!
  20. You'll find one strobe will make a big difference in your photos. The TG system hasn't changed much from the TG-4 to the 7. I wish OM System would come up with a real new and improved version, with a bigger sensor and better manual control. It's an excellent system as is, but we can always wish for more. The Sony A6000 is older but still usable. I have one and use it but it doesn't compare to the focusing capability of newer Sonys. I also have a Sony A7c. If I had to choose between the TG system, the Sony A6000 and the Olympus E-M1 or newer - and could only use one - I would go back to the Olympus mirrorless. They're small, light, great ergonomics, wonderful lenses, and cheaper to put in a housing. Good luck!
  21. Aloha and welcome Jin!
  22. Aloha and welcome to any and all humble guys!
  23. Aloha and welcome Tim!
  24. When I look at camera specs, most cameras use more battery power when viewing through the viewfinder. Know why this is so? Some of the newer cameras are using bigger batteries, and that makes this observation meaningless, but I found it curious, especially with the chintzy little batteries in compacts ten years ago. Craig
  25. @thejaguar Hi. I have a couple of spares. PM me and we can arrange to get them to you. Cheers, Craig
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