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Tobyone last won the day on December 14 2024

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1 Follower

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Fuji, Canon
  • Camera Housing:
    Nauticam, SeaFrog
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  1. Here are a few. Some are old enough to be standard def. Youtube Channel is :Toby Armstrong Cameraman More than underwater https://youtu.be/IN69kMMyMSA?si=dD2JCtYV7uOncLbV https://youtu.be/wUoBBIHwn5I https://youtu.be/zHxlLS0pxAI https://youtu.be/O80WLSy70mM https://youtu.be/O80WLSy70mM https://youtu.be/NryDdbKzYsA https://youtu.be/CZ0zvN0txnY https://youtu.be/FkD7gFihY5Y
  2. If each flash froze the one backscatter particle , wouldn't multiple flashes create more points of reflection from the individual particle?
  3. I had a Titan housing for the Nikon D100. Excellent housing. Was able to convert for a Panasonic G7 and G85. Sorry for the company"s demise.
  4. There is a challenge on DP Review website with an underwater theme. 4 days left, not much activity with entries. No prizes, just bragging rights. https://www.dpreview.com/challenges/Challenge.aspx?ID=16322
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  5. I could see it in bright sunlight in a pool. The brightness is more than adequate. I use diopters in my mask to see almost correctly, I have some astigmatism, which is not corrected for. I have had luck putting reading glasses on the outside of the mask, I have a flip mechanism I 3D printed. After some experimentation a +1 over my normal reading glasses worked. I tried inside the mask, but it was too much of a pain in *** to clean mask.
  6. Just saw this interesting video out of academic Australia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L0K_QNwptI Maybe video shooter will feel safer?
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  7. Tried in a pool, bright sun. Looks like it will workfor my needs. I thought about a 7 inch, but glad I got the 5 inch. Even the 5 inch is large for thew rig.
  8. I have a Kraken 5.5 monitor I am happy with. For me the 7 inch monitors would add too much bulk to my already bulky rig(Nauticam with Fuji X-T3).
  9. Tobyone


    I like this photo. Where was it shot?
  10. Tobyone


    Excellent photo of a rare opportunity, and beautiful whale.
  11. Dave , Here is a version with lanyard loop and bungee retainer channels. Thanks for the idea. I generally would not dive with the covers, but it is good to have if one does.
  12. Davide, My impressions of monitor is that is is well built, and robust. I did do a dip test to work out floatation with my setup. The monitor functions are straight forward . It does allow for anamorphic viewing with selectable aspect ratios. I also like the fact that the battery is the same as some of the Kraken lights. When viewing video with peaking on, the info also peaks, somewhat annoying, but maybe there is a work around. Overall I would say it is a good value and the monitor is bright. I will update once I use in the real underwater world and get a little more experience with this monitor. Toby
  13. Designed and made cover for the Kraken Monitor. Clear TPU 95A. Have not had chance to test monitor wet . Will give report once I get to dive.
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