I'm hoping Backscatter starts selling the mount on its own for their lens. I already have the AOI wide angle lens (UWL-03) but the Backscatter mount allows it to be mounted on a selfie stick, which is what my wife uses.
I was looking at getting this lens to use in Fiji on the Beqa Lagoon shark dive. It would be used with an AOI 8” dome on an Olympus E-M10 Mark IV. One of my main concerns though is that looking at older reviews on the lens there were numerous comments about purple blobs appearing in shots. This apparently was common when this lens was used on Olympus bodies. I saw in one article though that this issue had been corrected in new Olympus bodies. Is anyone using this lens and having the problem? Is it even worth getting or should I just go the Oly 9-18 route?
Going through my pictures from my Costa Rica trip and trying to make sure I get everything tagged properly. This guy was found in about 30 feet of water, in the Gulf of Papagayo. I believe it is a Barnacle Blenny but I'm not sure. Can someone verify or point me towards the right answer?
I just returned from Costa Rica, diving the Gulf of Papagayo. On the last day I took the attached photos. At first I thought it was a goby but after looking at the picture I have my doubts. Can someone help me out with an ID please?
Sorry about the shop tag at the bottom, I did that for Scuba Santa pictures and forgot to turn it off when I exported these from Lightroom.