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Everything posted by d2b

  1. Basically the same bungee solution as mentioned above https://scubaboard.com/community/threads/harness-mount-for-shearwater-peregrine.644620/post-10253788 It works for me because I mostly keep that first strobe arm close to horizontal. So far I've done about 30 dives that way and no complaints.
  2. I originally wanted to match my scubaboard displayname of d^2b; I guess the '^' is not allowed?
  3. @humu9679Are you also hawaiianeye797 on the fediverse (mastodon)? I may have seen your "daily sea life photos".
  4. I have a YS-01 Solis that is firing only intermittently (something less than 50%). I have tried the obvious things like replacing the batteries and swapping the fibre optic cable, so I think I've reached the point of needing professional help. I've sent emails to Sea & Sea Japan, and the Canadian distributor Oceaner about a week ago, but no response so far. Does anyone have recommendations for getting the strobe serviced in Canada?
  5. I'm active on ScubaBoard as d^2b, but apparently this software doesn't like "fancy" display names. I have been shooting since 2018 with an Olympus OMD EM5-II in a PT-EP13 housing. Mostly in warm water, fish portraits with the odd attempt at macro. Still a beginner, I finally started shooting manual strobes about a year ago, so now I have a whole new set of mistakes to make. I had an account on wetpixel.com, but I was not very active in the last 4 years or so.
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