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Whiskeyjack last won the day on March 12 2024

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About Whiskeyjack

  • Birthday November 28

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  1. Yeah I live in Manila, so at least I don't have to deal with the jetlag. I have a hard time sleeping on the ferry as I'm too tall for the bunk beds and can't really sleep upright in the chairs on the other ferry line either.
  2. Yep, I love Romblon! Just wish getting there wasn't quite so much of a pain...
  3. My partner and dive buddy just underwent her 2nd tympanoplasty in early December after the 1st one failed in August after just 2 dives... So hopefully more time in the water this year once she has healed up!
  4. Thanks for the explanation. not sure if it's worth adding a whole new program to my workflow!
  5. Is this only for PS? I only use Lightroom and have no real need for photoshop...
  6. Yeah Holy week is one of the busier domestic tourism times here in PH so not surprising resorts are booked. Solitude Acacia is nice, on the spendy side.
  7. Thanks, that's what I figured regarding back mount for boat diving. The section I bolded is not a thing I have ever seen done here, as the boats are owned by the resorts/dive shops and they have a schedule of 2 60 minutes dives, lunch, then 1 more 60 minute dive. I think it will be difficult unless you're at one of the few shops that do tech/CCR unfortunately, or you have access to good shore diving here.
  8. You can usually dive as a drop in as long as they have space, I frequently make day trips from Manila. It may be kind of awkward if you're staying at one dive resort and diving at another. The resorts are not really walk-able unless you happen to be diving at the resort just 1 or 2 lots over. You could pay a tricycle for 20-100php to drive you. I have pretty much exclusively eaten at the resort I'm diving with or staying at. You'd have to walk up the steep hill to the main road, then walk to another resort or hail a trike to take you somewhere else. Too much effort in my opinion, and the food in PH is generally acceptable but not great. This includes the expensive resorts in my experience. My favorite food has actually been at Bontoc as it's all cooked by the Wife/Owner. It's not western food for the most part though.
  9. If you are looking for options less expensive than the commonly suggested Crystal Blue, Aiyanar, etc I am a frequenter of both Blue Ribbon and Bontoc bed and breakfast.
  10. I've been interested in switching to CCR for a while. Aside from the obvious cost as a barrier to entry, I see very few of them here in the Philippines. I know of a handful of shops around the country that would support CCR diving, but I imagine 99% of the dive shops here would have absolutely not be able to provide you with any support. It's also very rare to find shops that would allow you to dive longer than ~70 minutes unless you're paying for a private boat/guide so that limits some of the upside in my opinion. Still, it's on my radar in the next few years for sure.... For anyone who does primarily boat diving with a CCR and camera, would a backmount unit be the most sensible option?
  11. Yeah I already have the Backscatter system and don't really have any issues with it, it does what I want it to... but if they are about the same then I'll likely offload the Backscatter stuff just to have lest gear to haul around! Thanks everyone for the opinions.
  12. Thanks for the opinions! I do like the compact size of the backscatter setup but I can't help but think the Retra will give better light. Does the LSD have more flexibility with the distance the strobe needs to be from the subject?
  13. Has someone used the Backscatter Snoot on the MF1/MF2 and the Retra LSD? I'm curious how they compare. I currently have an MF1 and an MF2 with the snoot and quite like using that setup, but recently picked up some Retra Pro max strobes for wide angle. If I could reduce my kit to only having the Retras that would be great. I'm kind of concerned the Retras with the LSD would be so much bulkier than the backscatter MF2 + strobe it would be harder to position/maneuver into tight sports, etc.
  14. Yeah this guy's videos are impressive.
  15. I use the Oly 90 and can't imagine using a diopter with it! You coudl get some crazy magnification though I'm sure...
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