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    Hong Kong

Everything posted by harry

  1. harry


    What a cracker! Love the composition of this one with the swirl of fish and the fact you get a side view of the shark! Very striking image!
    Wonderful photo! Love this! Would also be interested in more details in the whale swim
  2. One method I've found very helpful is not to edit / make a selection straight away. While I'd like to be better organised I usually find it takes a few weeks after a trip till I get time to sit down and have a proper look through my photos. By that point a lot of the initial emotion related to the photos has subsided. Obviously they still bring back great memories but I can look at them much more objectively. I use Lightroom (I've no affiliation to Adobe) and go through my photos using the X and P keys - X rejects a photo, P picks a photo. All the X's get deleted, only the P's get edited. (Everything else gets left to sit on my hard drive 😅). The edited photos, might not be a great representation of the trip itself, but they're the ones I like.
  3. I found this article on blackwater photography very helpful. It's well written and got a lot of useful information (including settings) in it, and also some great photos too! https://www.divephotoguide.com/underwater-photography-special-features/article/blackwater-photography-anilao-philippines-sony-alpha-1-a1/
  4. Agreed, if a hard cap for the wwl-1 was available too it would be great!
  5. Hi everyone, my name is Harry. I'm currently based in Hong Kong and while I have dived here quite a few times here, I try and get out to the Philippines as much as possible! Looking forward to being part of this community as I love diving and underwater photography (both macro and wide angle) and really enjoy reading about it when I'm not in the water!
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