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Everything posted by Architeuthis

  1. Last year I have tested multifocal plus astigmatic contact lenses on the surface. It did not work for me, I cold not see clear near and also not far. Maybe it was just a bad optician, but I abandoned the project... Wolfgang
  2. The well needed, but still working flawless, housing is just taking up storage space. If needed, I can give with it also the EM5II camera body. This is a good occasion to start with building a MFT rig... #1.: Nauticam housing for Olympus EM5II (NA-EM5II). I bought the housing second hand and, after using it for myself, handed it over to my wife: you will be the fourth user and one can see it. Nevertheless the housing is in good condition and works without problems. Note also that I have modified the moisture alarm sensor to make it less sensitive, by clipping the yellow wire (before the moisture alarm was hypersensitive and turned on without reason at high humidity (e.g. rain day on equator; see second photo):o of housing). You get: #1a.: NA-EM5II plus N85 front cap. #1b.: Shutter release extension (SKU#25200; 80 Euros new; very versatile). #1c.: Vaccum valve installed (old model) plus pump (broken, but repaired and is working). #1d.: spare main O-ring for housing. #1e.: Padded travel bag. Asking 200 Euro obo (shipping worldwide at the expense of the buyer) #2.: Olympus EM5II camera body: I bought this body new in 2018. You get: #2a.: camera body with original accu. #2b.: charger with additional original spare accu. #2c.: Book about the camera (in German). Asking 210 Euros obo (shipping worldwide at the expense of the buyer). Both housing plus camera (#1+#2) go together for 380 Euros obo (shipping worldwide at the expense of the buyer). Personal pick-up (Austria/Europe) possible. Payment via PayPal or bank transfer... Wolfgang
  3. For sale is a slightly used Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM (new 949 Euro) plus Nauticam focus gear (SKU # 19523; new 208 Euro). asking: #1.: lens: 400 Euro obo #2.: Focus gear: 55 Euro obo #1 & #2: 425 Euros obo located in Austria/Europe. Personal pickup possible. Shipping worldwide at the expense of the buyer. Payment via banktransfer or PayPal. Wolfgang
  4. Very easy to feel at home here: not only similar, put improved, format as Wetpixel. Chris and Tim from the old moderator team and Davide as a new moderator - Just stay on the ball! Wolfgang
  5. Regarding your initial question I cannot prove from real live, but e.g. the SKU # 32214 45° viewfinder is able to compensate -3 to +3 dioptries, so it should work with a mask with +2 or +3 glasses (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZXdgS9N8TIgeciMzXb9GHhORUeA-pL-b/view)... Having a permanent reading glass of +2 or +3 dioptries in the mask may be a cheap solution, but it is probably not comfortable considering that visual perception is the most important perception while scubadiving and also while taking photos UW... I personally prefer to have all my optical ametropias corrected by having glued-in and multifocal lenses in my mask, fabricated by a dedicated company. Vision is similarily perfect as with the glasses that I wear above the surface (nearsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia). One could even think about including extra + dioptries at the near end, to get some magnifying glass effect, but i did not dry this... Since I have such a mask, I just can forget about all my optical problems. I can read again finnimeter and diving computer easily. My 45° viewfinder is no problem with this mask. This comes at the cost of about 700 Euros for such a mask, but I think it was a very worthy investment. I have other, more expensive, items in my gear list that I could omit more easily... Wolfgang
  6. I am a leasure time UW-photographer from Austria, glad to join here. Usually I make approx. 100 dives a year and never go without camera... Wolfgang
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