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Problems with my TRT s-Turtle Smart TTL

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Thought I would ask here to see if anyone else had similar issues. I've got a second-hand TRT S-Turtle Smart TTL controller that I been using with my a6400 for a good bit now. It's performed without issue as recently as two weeks ago, but when I was setting up for my dives this past weekend I found I was unable to get more than one shot out of the trigger before it would … die? Disappear?


I've charged the battery, checked it against the s-TURTLE Smart Loader software, checked all the pins on the hot shoe connector, tried it on another camera body (my A7IV), all with the same results. I get one shot/flash, and then it disappears/dies/is no longer recognized by the camera. The only way to get it back online is to cycle the on/off switch on the controller, which is a bit impractical 60 feet under. 


Has anyone else had similar issues with their controller in the past? Were you able to get it resolved? Any tips? 

Edited by Craine
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