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Lightroom CC Question - How to Delete from NAS

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Hi everyone,


I’ve finally decided to get Lightroom to better organize my photos (I’m still quite new to this) and to efficiently sort through them. Now, I’ve rated the photos in a sample folder on my NAS from 1 to 5 stars and deselected the majority of them. How can I now delete all the deselected photos from the NAS? Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find a function for this, and the tutorials I’ve come across show this for Lightroom Classic only.


Thanks! 🙂

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Well in theory it should be straight-forward.....


Assuming LR knows the images are on your NAS (so they show up in the LR Library catalogue as being on your NAS drive):


- use the filters in Library Grid mode to show all the images you want to delete

- highlight  them all using CTRL-A (Windows) or Command-A (Mac)

- then hit your delete key.

- it'll ask if you want to remove them from the hard drive (ie your NAS) or from the LR catalogue.

- If you want to get rid of them permanently, select Remove from Drive (or at least whatever option is NOT remove from LR).

- as the image are on a NAS you might get a warning that the images will be deleted and can't be sent to or retrieved from, eg, your Bin. 

- select Yes or OK... or some such


And that should be that......

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@TimG  I believe that might just delete the first photo selected, so you need to repeat. Otherwise, once all have been selected, right click and there should be an option to DELETE ALL SELECTED PHOTOS. That will mass delete and allow you select Remove from Drive. 

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If you are new to Lightroom, and assuming your Nas is linked with your Nas, get the habit of everything you want to do with the pictures you do it from LR. So select the pictures, go to the file "picture" and the last option must be delet all selected pictures. You will get two opttion, delete only for LR or delete from your harddisk. Choose delete form your hard disk and it's done.

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14 hours ago, RVBldr said:

@TimG  I believe that might just delete the first photo selected, so you need to repeat. Otherwise, once all have been selected, right click and there should be an option to DELETE ALL SELECTED PHOTOS. That will mass delete and allow you select Remove from Drive. 


Yep, using the CTRL-A or Command-A should select all the pics. But, yeah, otherwise one at a time!


As atus says too, it's really important that you use LR to do everything: import into LR, move, copy, delete, rename etc within LR. If you change something outside LR (eg directly in a folder on your NAS) it rapidly becomes a mess and the LR catalog won't know what has happened. This leads to all sorts of issues which can be very hard to sort out. LR is a great a program but you must work within at all times. 

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For the OP, not only assigning ratings, but tag your shots as well, that will become very powerful for finding your older images. Recently, I've also gone back through rate, tag, delete and although it can take a lot of time, it's all well worth it if you want to stay organized. 

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Have you tired flagging the rejects as rejected? On windows pc - highlight the shots and hit x. Then in your library select attributes and choose the black flag. Start with the fist and shift to the last and delete.





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