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Hi! In late 2023 I went to Dauin in the Philippines to photograph critters. Unfortunately I got pneumonia and only did a few dives - here's a picture from one of them.


The main part of the image is some kind of camouflage crab, legs to the right. Encircled in red is... well, is it a shrimp?

We had Klas Malmberg, pretty big in Sweden's uw photo world, with us on the trip and it was he who pointed out that there's a shrimp. I forget the name. I should trust him, he knows his stuff. I just.  What do you say, is that really an animal? I mean, I can sort of convince me that it is. But. I just.



That area does have skeleton shrimp, but I gotta say that I don’t see any “shrimp parts” in this image.  Usually the legs at least are noticeable. But it could be something I don’t know about.  

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