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Photographyexperts.com/Alex Mustard's UW masterclass reboot

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So has anyone signed up for this? I signed up for it and paid but There's no link in my account/programs and I've heard nothing back after emailing support as for getting access. Anyone else having this problem?


@Buddha - sorry to hear you had a problem registering and getting access to the course. I am totally swamped with the UPY Awards coming out at the end of the week - so I've not been online checking all the time. Hopefully it is all working now - I know lots of people have been watching it. Photography Experts emailed me last night to say they had a system glitch that is now fixed.


If anyone is interested in finding out more about this new online course that launched last week it is here:



But rather than take it from me - it would be good for those who have subscribed to share their experiences - as this is still quite a new way to deliver this information (compared with writing a book) - I know others would value hearing how it works.




Here are some messages people have sent me about it:










I'm back to enter you need to click "i'm not a robot" but nothing happend.


The notification are blocked... if you activate it you will be notified that your pc is infected....

@Alex_Mustard  you have a problem on your web site



Thanks for the warning. Sorry about that. 


My website works for me, and also works if I set my VPN to another country (I tried France).


But if it is causing problems for others, here is the video about the course:


And this is the course info on the Photography Experts website:


Bookings at the bottom of that page.


I'll look into what is going on with my website. I am planning on launching workshops this week - that won't be possible if my website has issues. 



  • Thanks 1

It took a while for me to get access to Photography Experts (it seemed like someone needed to manually approve my sign-up so I ended up waiting like a week and eventually only got approval after sending a message via their in-browser chat), but I haven't had any issues accessing https://www.photographyexperts.com/reboot-with-alex-mustard after that. I'm currently in California using Chrome, in case that's relevant.


So far, I've watched the intro, wide-angle, and composition lectures (skipping over macro for now because I'll be on the Bluewater Socorro workshop starting Thursday) and have found the content very interesting and useful. I'd caution anyone brand new to underwater photography that the course is not suitable for beginners as it doesn't cover the really basic stuff, but I think it's excellent for anyone who already understands the fundamentals and is looking to elevate their photography to the next level. The one annoyance I had was that the lecture videos weren't listed in the correct order when the course first went online, but that seems to have been fixed.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, CaolIla said:

Sorry but this website is not ok 





When I click on your picture i receive the previous message.



Thanks for the feedback. I'll flag it up with them. 


This is where that should link:



There are two products available here:



The main REBOOT course - which is the newly recorded 8 x 1 hour series of talks designed to 'reboot', refresh, reinvigorate your approach to underwater photography. As @Kamaros points out above, it is aimed at existing underwater photographers and covers the important stuff, not the basics. GBP £95 - for 5 years access


There are also a product called Alex Mustard On Demand - which a collection of recordings of major live events that I have done over the last few years, includes talk on switching to mirrorless, talk on shooting blur (long exposures and vintage lenses), talk on shooting Wide Angle Macro, a talk on selecting images for major photo contests, a talk fieldcraft/mindset, a Shark Presentation with Chris Fallows and Dr Neil Hammerschlag, - there is probably even more minutes in this collection - but it is not structured like the Reboot Course. GBP £35  - for 5 years access


Hopefully that helps make sense of it all.


Edited by Alex_Mustard

I subscribed as well and agree with Kamaros. I had some troubles initially as well, as I signed up from my iphone and it was done using Wix (had to install that one first) which was installed not showing my email address (they use some generic apple.com email). When signing up, I had to give my email address but it used that funky apple.com email address which was sent to the registration. It took me a while to understand what was going on. Also, initially, the videos were all scrambled around but I think this was probably a temporary glitch as Alex mentioned above. So far enjoying those videos from Alex a lot - btw, a big thank you to Alex for sharing so much of his knowledge with this community. Not many photographers take the time and do this!

So bottom line, signing up to the class and accessing should work well now.


Hello guys,


Is it possible to access the reboot from my account? When I go to my subscriptions, I can see the payment details, but there is no access/ link to the video. 


I emailed them on the 11th, of this month, but still waiting for a reply. 


I am sorry to hear that the access has been problematic for some people. I know loads of people are going through the material and it seems to be working fine for most. But that is of little comfort when it is not working for you.


My understanding of how the system works (I don’t have a subscription to the course myself) is that you need to register with the site (Photography Experts) first. This has to be manually approved by their team (mainly during UK Office hours) because they have had problems with too many Robot accounts in the past. 


Once registered you can then purchase the subscription. I would have thought that under the My Subscriptions tab you would have access link. I am sorry that it is not there Atanas - I also don’t know why they are slow to respond to email - they are usually very efficient. Email should be the best way to sort this out.


You can also try going direct to RECORDINGS on their website, when you are logged in, to find the videos. 


I am a bit swamped with UPY stuff these last couple of weeks, as I am presenting the Awards tomorrow evening in London.  I’ll ask Photography Experts to add me as a Subscriber to the course - so that I can help with some of this trouble shooting.




Thank you Alex for your quick reply,


Fortunately, I can access the video through the link you have posted, but not through my account. I am sure it is going to be sorted out soon. 

Thank you for your commitment to expand on the reboot and I am looking forward to watching it tonight. 



Posted (edited)

@Alex_Mustard I just wanted to say thank you for the series. The videos have been great and look forward to watching them again. I especially enjoyed the last two series on lighting. The demonstrations were a great visual aid and I look forward to trying some of them in a couple of weeks in Little Cayman. 

Edited by Buddha

Just signed up for the series and watched the first video on wide angle.  There was alot of info packed into that hour, I am sure I will need to go back and watch a second time.  I look forward to watching (and re-watching) the rest of the series.

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