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photo award revoked

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Hello everyone, i m working on an article and could use a small help... i remember a couple of years ago a person that had won a uw photo competition had his price revoked. I can t seem to remember exactly he had faked the image or manipulated the seahorse..  can anyone remember this incident or any incident of the sort ? 

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Was it the same Mediterranean guy that keeps feeding fish to other fish and has a portfolio of the craziest too-good-to-be-true macro predation pictures ever?


There was also a lady who admitted to (posted a how-to video and everything)  illegally using scuba to harass a Florida manatee for a pic in this years oceanographic mag competition. I don't think they officially retracted it but they've scrubbed the image from their socials. 


I think this stuff happens all the time and the retractions are rarely made public.

Edited by ShallowSeasGallery
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It is possible to encounter a seahorse posing in the open water with an earpad or a facemask, but the chances are extremely small. Therefore such photos will be always suspects of un-allowed manipulations (without witnesses one will never know)...


From what I know, judges in competitions are instructed to reject any photo that is suspicious of such manipulations - hard to understand that such photos made it (but one has to admit that these photos are very strong in showing the impact of pollution on the sea)...




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9 hours ago, Architeuthis said:

It is possible to encounter a seahorse posing in the open water with an earpad or a facemask, but the chances are extremely small. Therefore such photos will be always suspects of un-allowed manipulations (without witnesses one will never know)...


From what I know, judges in competitions are instructed to reject any photo that is suspicious of such manipulations - hard to understand that such photos made it (but one has to admit that these photos are very strong in showing the impact of pollution on the sea)...




In the Mediterranean Sea, to my experience, NEVER.

And since i can guess the place of the image, which host a significant population, easily i can make series of such manipulated material ... 

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