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Everything posted by DriftC

  1. @Interceptor121any chance you could share a short video file with me? I’m curious if they have changed the metadata structure of the file. Bonus if you have something with added external timecode!
  2. Be aware, this firmware update for the A1 is on hold while some issues surrounding network connectivity are resolved.
  3. Here you go @TimG https://wildfishconservancy.org/wfc-legal-victory-marks-turning-point-for-southern-resident-orcas-and-wild-chinook/
  4. Greetings All! I grew up in the diverse watersheds of Oregon learning about freshwater fish conservation throughout my childhood. Through that upbringing, I developed a fascination for the aquatic world that has inspired me to act on behalf of wild fish and rivers. I currently work with the Wild Fish Conservancy, an organization focused on fisheries conservation issues in the Pacific Northwest, bringing a policy and research background, and experience with habitat restoration and protection. In my spare time I mostly focus on photography and videography of pacific salmon, and other species common to freshwater rivers in the Pacific Northwest with a specialty in conservation storytelling.
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