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Everything posted by Klaus

  1. I can already see that new full frame kit ….
  2. I really like the solution with the readers that Ben presented - maybe not ideal for any situation but likely good enough for a lot. Certainly as a low-threshold entry into the aging photographer theme 🙂 I have two questions, Ben: 1) Did the add-on glasses ever get in the way with your regulator? I suppose this could happen when they slip down below the mask, but I simply cannot wrap my head around if that would cause a problem or not. 2) glass lenses lose a lot of their refractive power in water vs. air because water is much denser. I suppose this is similar for the plastic lenses In the readers, though some of those materials have a higher refractive index than glass. In any case, I assume that you are using stronger lenses than for reading above water, how much stronger would you suggest as a first try? Thanks, Klaus
  3. First of all, I think this is a really nice shot and the pose of the octopus(?) is really cool. You probably tried cropping out just this guy in a vertical, maybe even b/w. Almost looks like (s)he’s ashamed of skinny-dipping… I don’t know a lot about UW photography, but I am not sure that more shadows necessarily translates into greater perceived depth. Your strobe is off-center already (towards the top left, shadows are a bit to the bottom right). I think the suggestion to go a bit lower yet is a good one, maybe it’s not that easy when freediving to try a couple of different angles. But as said above, definitely a great moment to capture!
    I really like this picture - the kelp has a very pleasant “flow”. I don’t know enough about UW photography technique (yet) but it feels well balanced between the kelp and the water as important « negative space ». Really nice for « waterpixels », thus! Klaus
  4. ... a (northen) German way to say Hi. Nice to be in good company!
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