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Everything posted by JohnD

  1. I have not been to Coz for several years, but used Jeremy Anschel (Living Underwater). He would come to hotel to pick up gear, rinse and store it each day. His boat is a small 8 person max boat, fast enough to get to the distant sites. He is or was also one of the operators that would pick up at the small pier in town. Surface intervals on the beach or at a beach club. Has a camera rinse tank built into the boat.
  2. I had not. I just looked at the XT-5 (online) and it looks interesting, but the system does not look very desirable for CFWA, with no fisheye lens available. Maybe there is an adapter I don't know about.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion, but that would be too big a step “backwards” for me. I actually have a TG6 and Oly housing, and I use it on boats, beach, etc. But, the camera’s limitations would make underwater photography less enjoyable for me. Over the years I have moved from compact cameras to micro four thirds to APS-C and have appreciated the improved dynamic range and more flexible cropping options of the slightly larger format and improved performance of the more sophisticated cameras. Like everyone, I would like a smaller and lighter system, but am not willing to give up the benefits I found with the DSLR. Although I would like to reduce size and weight a little, I don’t yet want to sacrifice the features I enjoy. Of course, that means any size reduction would be limited. But I can dream…. I am just not willing to give up a 45-degree viewfinder, reduced shutter lag, interchangeable lenses and the tech advances that incorporated into more expensive (and larger) cameras. Since I will use a bracket, arms, buoyancy and two strobes, even a TG6 becomes much larger but without adding the things that I enjoy about the larger cameras. We all want a camera that that is light and small to travel with but offers the features and benefits of a D850 or A1 or whatever. If I had to buy something new tomorrow, I would likely decide between an A6700 and a Canon R7. Although I found myself looking at the full frame options, I would really rather stay with a cropped sensor. I also use my Nikons for wildlife and nature photos and have a variety of long and landscape lenses that would work fine with an FTZ adapter, so it would probably be wise to stick with Nikon. Although probably unlikely, I am hoping some interesting APS-C Nikon might appear, preferably in a size to compete with the A6700 and R7. The problem will likely be that the manufacturers tend to view the APS-C as "lower level" cameras that should be released at lower price points and therefore do not always use the latest and best tech in them. But I can live with that if need be.
  4. For those of you who use the Cinebags SG, do you take as your larger carry-on that goes in the overhead compartment, or as an underseat bag? Do you have any contingency plan in the event an airline insists you have to check it?
  5. I believe you want the UW Technics trigger if available for your camera. I have no personal experience with the trt trigger but have seen mixed reviews. I don't believe nauticam supports HSS
  6. True on the size, but being a little OCD, it would nag at me if there was an option. And I guess there is and I missed it...
  7. Thanks. Somehow I missed that.
  8. For travel, I use a hardshell case, like a Pelican or Nanuk. Carry-on restrictions and gate agent hassles make it very stressful to try and carry housings and such on planes. I also have to take often multiple flights on different size aircraft, frequently with more than one airline. Dealing with all of that causes a lot of stress. Camera and lenses and sometimes a valuable nauticam wet lens will go with me on the plane in an "underseat' bag that no one ever hassles me about. I do have a carry-on sized Pelican roller that I use on occasion, but it can only hold housing and strobes or housing and a small port or two. I know Tim has had success carrying stuff onboard using a Cinebags Grouper case, but I don't have his charm and would have it taken by gate agents and I doubt it would survive the cargo hold. To and from boats I use a waterproof duffel. The blue one is large enough for housing with a WACP-C, the yellow one is smaller and works fine with a 100mm or 140mm dome or a flat port. I have layer of neoprene on the bottom from an old wetsuit and on the boat can either close it up or drape a microfiber towel over the rig, which will keep it wet. The bag also serves as rinse bucket later. I tried a Cinebags and something similar, and then a soft cooler, but they took a up a lot of room in luggage and did not work well to carry on planes. These offer no real impact protection but are easy to pack and fairly light. if I want more protection I can pad the gear with a towel or neoprene vest or whatever. nullnull
  9. I agree on the pixel count and format. I still think that except perhaps for really large prints, APS-C continues to have more benefits than limitations. I am going to stick with the D500 for now, and watch the mirrorless developments. Rumors of an R7 II (or whatever) and a D500 equivalent mirrorless are interesting and if this is true, could keep the format alive and could me to "upgrade" later in the year or next year. APS-C is a good format choice for underwater and for wildlife, which appeals to me, and also sports. Increasingly, I am pulling back from a FF Sony idea. I love the tech, but don't really want a 61MP FF frame sensor camera. If I had to buy right now, I guess it would be the R7 or A6700, but I am holding off for a while. Although my NA D500 is not a small housing, I enjoy being able to use a 100mm dome on it with the 8-15 and have the zoom range instead of just 8mm or a circle, and I can easily add the 1.4 TC which gives a different perspective. The Tokina 10-17 does pretty much the same thing, of course. I suspect the rumored new Sigma fisheye won't be ideal, or perhaps even viable, but it would be great to see a good, underwater-suitable fisheye that does not need an adapter for the camera world.
  10. Does anyone know if the Retra neoprene covers the same size as the previous ones? The strobe body on the new strobes are longer. I am about to order a new set of bumpers because of the changed design, and am wondering if I should "upgrade" the neoprene sleeves. Or are the new bumpers longer so the neoprene still fits right?
  11. Hard to say why, but I have a hard time getting very enthused. From what little I have read, the EVF could be better, and I have heard some complaints of inconsistent focus. I have some concerns about Canon's refusal to allow third party lenses, but it is still a consideration.
  12. I am not too concerned about the Tokina. I have the Nikkor 8-15 which i believe will work will work with the FTZ adapter. In reality, I suspect you guys are right. I would like an electronic viewfinder, primarily to get away from trying to assess a shot in the LCD on the back of the camera, and I would like something a bit smaller, but we all know that does not usually work out well. Tiny difference for a lot of money. I realize that neither a small size reduction nor the viewfinder will improve my photos, or get photos I am missing. But I thought it might make the process more enjoyable. What really started me on this was the idea of an A7CII or an A6700 for the smaller size and electronic viewfinders, but after some research I see a lot of issues and expense that dampened my enthusiasm. If that Z90 materializes, I suspect the housing size won't be any smaller than I have so that means only an electronic viewfinder and the cost of the viewfinder, housing and other bits and pieces would make that a huge price for some convenience. It's that same thing that many of us go through. I want a camera the size of a TG6 that functions like a Sony A1. I am going to wait and see if there is anything in the next several months that really grabs me. Probably. Edit: I did the M43 thing for several years. Perhaps things have improved, but I was never completely happy with that system, (except when packing and traveling) although my son "adopted" my stuff and seems to like it.
  13. Thank you for the input. I am still undecided. I have seen rumors of a Nikon Z90 (a mirrorless D500) perhaps coming out. If it materializes, I doubt it would meet my size and weight dreams, but a crop sensor Nikon would allow me to use some of my current favorite lenses and ports and save me from some of the cost and research time associated with moving from a N120 mount Nikon to a N85 or N100 Sony. And I actually view full frame more as a negative than a positive, so there is that. But also still seriously considering the Sony, probably the A7CII or the A7RV and mostly because it seems to have the best tech and smallest size. I feel a bit conflicted because I read where the Canon 8-15 does really well on the Sony and then another person says they are disappointed with its performance. No matter how great all the new tech in the Sony may be, the system is only as good as its weakest link. I suppose the rumored Sigma 15mm FE could change that. I would be interested to hear if anyone tries or has tried the Nikon 8-15 on the Sonys, using a Monster adapter. It would be nice not to have to buy another 8-15, if I could figure out the right extension to use.
  14. As I ponder mirrorless options, I know there is a strong possibility I will be using a Canon 8-15. I use a Nikon 8-15 currently, and with a Kenko 1.4 TC sometimes. With Nikon, there were some issues with which version Kenko would work with certain camera bodies. I see that for Canon, Kenko offers a Teleplus HD and an HD pro. I assume those of you using these use the "pro?" This would likely be on a Sony, although which model is undecided. just trying to figure out my options I guess I will also need to figure out the metabonse vs sigma question Decisions, decisions.
  15. I went through two Sola lights. Both failed for no apparent rerason, just outside of warranty. Cost to repair was not reasonable. Some people seem to love them but I am done with Sola and for that matter, I try to avoid things with rechargeable batteries that are not user replaceable batteries like a 18650, etc., that can be easily purchased. I have had good success with the Kraken lights including the 1500 WSR. I use red lights a lot and would not get a dive or focus light without red. I agree that single button interfaces can be annoying, but a light that works is my first priority. Inon focus lights are good, but I don't think they currently make one with a red LED and I don't really think I would want a screw on or snap on red filter. I believe Weefine lights are made by the same people who make Kraken and there are a couple of different models under that name.
  16. So, even though I am happy with my D500, in most respects, I am getting an itchy trigger finger. Someone either needs to egg me on or talk me off the ledge. I am tempted to move to a Sony mirrorless and there are a couple reasons. First, although trying to reduce equipment size is usually a fruitless endeavor unless one is willing to go to something like an M43, I would like to reduce housing size, principally for packing and air travel reasons. Additionally, however, i keep finding myself at dive places with small rinse tanks and on small dive boats with very limited camera space. I have always managed, but frankly, as this is a hobby and not a job, I sometimes get tired of the struggle. Secondly, I am attracted to the idea of being able to review images underwater without needing to use the LCD panel, which I increasingly find hard to do well due to a recent eye injury. The A7Cii is appealing to me from a size standpoint, and actually, I might consider the A6700, as I am fine with crop sensor and appreciate the benefits. But I really don't want to deal with the 1/160 flash sync speed. So I am considering the A7RV, which I would use with the Canon 8-15 in a 140 dome, since CFWA is my main interest, a macro lens (unsure which at this point) and perhaps a 28-60 or similar with something like the WWL. Large domes or larege wet optics are not on my shopping list. I have a WACP-C and that is about the largest "port" I am willing to deal with and then only because I can pair it with a pretty small lens. I already have a 180 that almost never leaves the cabinet. A Nauticam 45 degree viewfinder would also be part of the ensemble. A lot of money for maybe a small size and weight reduction, I suppose., but being able to evaluate a shot in the viewfinder would be nice. I am also considering the canon R7, but somehow it isn't quite moving me. At least at the moment. So what input from the hive mind?
  17. Thanks Tim. By the way, you still living on the island?
  18. I recently got my new pro max, but they haven't gotten in the water yet, and won't for a while. I got the superchargers on the basis of better to have and not need than need and not have. More often than not I suspect I won't need them, but considering the overall cost of the stuff, they aren't that much more $ and I am sure they will get used.
  19. Just another migrant from that other place, but have changed my name. Formerly Draq. Happier times lie ahead!
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