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Everything posted by JohnD

  1. As I ponder mirrorless options, I know there is a strong possibility I will be using a Canon 8-15. I use a Nikon 8-15 currently, and with a Kenko 1.4 TC sometimes. With Nikon, there were some issues with which version Kenko would work with certain camera bodies. I see that for Canon, Kenko offers a Teleplus HD and an HD pro. I assume those of you using these use the "pro?" This would likely be on a Sony, although which model is undecided. just trying to figure out my options I guess I will also need to figure out the metabonse vs sigma question Decisions, decisions.
  2. I went through two Sola lights. Both failed for no apparent rerason, just outside of warranty. Cost to repair was not reasonable. Some people seem to love them but I am done with Sola and for that matter, I try to avoid things with rechargeable batteries that are not user replaceable batteries like a 18650, etc., that can be easily purchased. I have had good success with the Kraken lights including the 1500 WSR. I use red lights a lot and would not get a dive or focus light without red. I agree that single button interfaces can be annoying, but a light that works is my first priority. Inon focus lights are good, but I don't think they currently make one with a red LED and I don't really think I would want a screw on or snap on red filter. I believe Weefine lights are made by the same people who make Kraken and there are a couple of different models under that name.
  3. So, even though I am happy with my D500, in most respects, I am getting an itchy trigger finger. Someone either needs to egg me on or talk me off the ledge. I am tempted to move to a Sony mirrorless and there are a couple reasons. First, although trying to reduce equipment size is usually a fruitless endeavor unless one is willing to go to something like an M43, I would like to reduce housing size, principally for packing and air travel reasons. Additionally, however, i keep finding myself at dive places with small rinse tanks and on small dive boats with very limited camera space. I have always managed, but frankly, as this is a hobby and not a job, I sometimes get tired of the struggle. Secondly, I am attracted to the idea of being able to review images underwater without needing to use the LCD panel, which I increasingly find hard to do well due to a recent eye injury. The A7Cii is appealing to me from a size standpoint, and actually, I might consider the A6700, as I am fine with crop sensor and appreciate the benefits. But I really don't want to deal with the 1/160 flash sync speed. So I am considering the A7RV, which I would use with the Canon 8-15 in a 140 dome, since CFWA is my main interest, a macro lens (unsure which at this point) and perhaps a 28-60 or similar with something like the WWL. Large domes or larege wet optics are not on my shopping list. I have a WACP-C and that is about the largest "port" I am willing to deal with and then only because I can pair it with a pretty small lens. I already have a 180 that almost never leaves the cabinet. A Nauticam 45 degree viewfinder would also be part of the ensemble. A lot of money for maybe a small size and weight reduction, I suppose., but being able to evaluate a shot in the viewfinder would be nice. I am also considering the canon R7, but somehow it isn't quite moving me. At least at the moment. So what input from the hive mind?
  4. Thanks Tim. By the way, you still living on the island?
  5. I recently got my new pro max, but they haven't gotten in the water yet, and won't for a while. I got the superchargers on the basis of better to have and not need than need and not have. More often than not I suspect I won't need them, but considering the overall cost of the stuff, they aren't that much more $ and I am sure they will get used.
  6. Just another migrant from that other place, but have changed my name. Formerly Draq. Happier times lie ahead!
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