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    United Kingdom

TimG last won the day on September 6

TimG had the most liked content!


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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Nikon D500
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Retra Pro Max


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Leviathan (15/15)

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  1. I do like the look of that Think Tank bag. Tempting….. Time to move on from my Pelican? Hmmmmm……
  2. There has been some discussion about the S&S correction lens. Especially about availability. As you say, there are, or were, two sizes and a number of members use them especially with 230 domes ad FX cameras.
  3. Hi Stefan! Great to have you with us. A warm welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you really like the forum nn
  4. Hey Jeff! Great to have you onboard. A warm welcome to Waterpixels.
  5. A day in Singapore is no hardship. If you like Indian food, go into the Indian part of town. Great eateries.
  6. Great to have you with us! You’ll find lots of fellow WP refugees here. We hope you like the forum.
  7. Hi Andrzej. - and welcome to Waterpixels. Great to have you with us n
  8. Yeah, that's pretty standard in the airline industry. Which carrier are you using to fly into Changi? Then you transfer to Garuda?
  9. Yeah, as Chris says, having one ticket to check baggage from departure airport to final destination makes changes WAY easier. Timing could be quite tight. Again, as Chris says, if you can do it anywhere, Changi is the place. An amazing airport. I'd be tempted to grab someone from customs service as soon as you can, be super nice and outline the tight connection. They may be able to assist in speeding you through and getting to the front off queues. If, on the other hand, they are relaxed about it... there's your cue!
  10. Hi devin Welcome to Waterpixels! Good to have you with us.
  11. Similar, I’m sure. The Subal and Nauticam viewfinders have a threaded end to them. A large circular, threaded retaining ring screws on to the viewfinder threads inside the housing and holds it place. Subal use two o-rings on the shaft of the viewfinder to prevent water ingress into the housing. To remove the viewfinder you unscrew the retaining ring and gently pull the viewfinder out. To refit, push the viewfinder back through the hole in the housing back and refit the retaining ring and tighten gently.
  12. I thought the same thing but, if it's anything like the Subal or Nauticam system, it is dead easy and takes 3-4 minutes. If you have a vacuum valve system on the housing it's easy to check that you have got it on right and the seal is good.
  13. Brilliant! But doncha just love it when, after some years, you find some doohdad that you didn't realise was there?
  14. TimG

    UWP Magazine - issue 140

    Issue 140 of the excellent Underwater photography Magazine, UWP, is now available. https://www.uwpmag.com/
  15. Presumably it could float on water so maybe there's an Nauticam outboard motor attachment?
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