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Everything posted by TimG

  1. As brightnight says, a sharp blade is important to get a clean cut especially if you are thinking of using TTL. A box cutter is ideal.
  2. Fair enough, Chris. I'm sure all system are not alike. It could be, too, that I'm just too lazy to make the changes....
  3. Over the years I’ve found that a change of lens/port doesn’t usually make such a dramatic change of buoyancy that it’s worth endless shifting of floats, adjusting of buoyancy arms etc. If you get reasonably neutrally buoyancy for a 60mm macro setup, I’ve found that to be about a reasonable average. Changing port and lens from that will increase or decrease buoyancy slightly. But rarely enough to be troublesome.
  4. Hi Dave I get nothing when clicking on the link. May be better to upload a copy of the image to your post?
  5. As Barmaglot says: luggage scale. Works a treat.
  6. Hi Pescha Welcome to Waterpixels! It’s very good to have you with us. We hope you enjoy the forum. Best wishes Tim
  7. We're delighted to have you with us, Holrak. A warm welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you really enjoy the forum. Best wishes Tim
  8. Hey! For me Red Sea is fisheye country and I use either the Tokina 10-17 on my D500 or the Nikkor 8-15. I'd use either of those for the wrecks or reefs. When I was shooting a D800 I only used the Sigma 15mm. So on your Z7, I'd go with the 8-15 set to the 15mm end with a small dome. Nice for travelling. Maybe it's just me and I'm spoiled by Lembeh and the Philippines, but I've never found macro worthwhile in the RS. So to keep weight down, I don't take a macro lens but do take a Z6III for topside with, usually, either the Z 24-70mm or 24-200mm. I couldn't see a use for the 24-70 underwater. Have a great time!
  9. Well it's about time! Good to have you with us finally and welcome to your new home. 😉 Yep, very sad about Wetpixel but lots of folks have moved here so I'm sure you'll see lots of familiar names. A warm welcome, horvendile.
  10. Edition 143 of the excellent Underwater Photography Magazine is now available: https://www.uwpmag.com
  11. Hey rafiq Welcome to Waterpixels! Great to have you with us. We hope you enjoy the forum.
  12. Hey John! Good to have you with us. Welcome to Waterpixels.
  13. Hey Val I had the Inon system with the intention of using for off-housing a snoot-mounted strobe. The tripod head is well made and solid. Differing or adjustable sized legs can be fitted. The legs come with both rubber and spiked feet. All fit together smoothly and easily. The height of the tripod can be varied by using both the centre column and the spread of the legs. A weight can be clipped on the centre column to increase stability. I rigged up a couple of clips on to the system which allowed me to clip it on to my BCD when not in use. It all seemed a practical and fairly deployable system to overcome the issue of pointing a snoot at a subject and keeping it in place. However I found it hard to actually find substrate that was free of coral etc but near enough the subject and gave up on the idea. Depending on leg length, the tripod setup is generally stable as long as not too high. The shorter the more stable especially with the legs spread. I’m not sure though how stable with a large system with strobes etc. Current could be an issue. Certainly it’s well made, flexible and a solid piece of manufacturing. If you plan to use it with a large system, I do wonder whether you might be better going with a system with a larger, wider base plate allowing the legs more spread than the Inon provides.
  14. TimG

    Retra Firmware update

    Retra have announced a firmware update for the Retra Flash Pro Max (to v2.13), Prime+ (to v2.4) and Pure (to v2.4). The update includes bug fixes and a number of performance improvements. The update is available through the usual app download systems.
  15. Nikon announced on 26 February firmware updates to the Z8 and Z6III camera bodies Z8 to version 2.10 and the Z6III to version 1.10. The updates are available through the Nikon download centre: https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/en/index.html Nikon provided the following details:
  16. Very cool, Tino. Thanks for posting these.
  17. Hey Ross! Good to have you with us and welcome to Waterpixels. I'm sure lots of our members have visited your area or even resort. Enjoy the forum and post some pics! Best wishes Tim
  18. Hi bvbellomo And welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you really enjoy the forum. Good to have you with us. Best wishes Tim
  19. Hi! I've been using the ProMax since Nov 2023 and have done about 150 dives with them. Like you, I'm using Envelop Pro batteries and they are probably two years old. Without the Boosters I reckon a set of charged batteries is good for about 150-200 images depending on power setting of course. It's worth bearing in mind too, I'd suggest, that if one of four AA batteries is dodgy or failing, almost any strobe is going to struggle to operate to maximum efficiency. Although I can understand how you might feel, the Boosters are well worth the price and I have no worries over 4 dives a day when using them. Compared to the total cost of your gear, they are not that expensive - all things being relative. It is definitely worth you contacting Retra directly for advice. I'm found them always helpful and quick. And it costs nothing! What's there to lose? (Yes, I'm an avid fanboy of the Retras. I've been using them since 2019 and have found the product and service to be first rate)
  20. This issue is discussed often and it’d be worth searching on Waterpixels. Backpacks, fishing jackets, tears and pleading, carrying cameras/housings on shoulder straps are amongst the many suggestions offered.
  21. Yeah, I had a similar thought. I switched to fibre around 2013 and would never go back.
  22. Welcome! Yep, lots of the same crowd and a good few new faces too. Good to have you with us. Welcome to your new home. Best wishes Tim
  23. Bon courage! I’ve just jumped on a plane but once home I’ll post a link.
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