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Everything posted by TimG

  1. I'd suggest you setup your equipment in the usual way that you would carry it on to a dive boat - or would want it handed down to you in the water. Then tie a length of rope/line/string on a couple of points that you can use to attach it. Lift your gear by the string and decide whether the length of the line feels right or not. Adjust as necessary- then measure it. There's no scientific method. It's what feels right and then go with the nearest available commercial lanyard size. Or WAY better, make your own. Colour, style, length, fittings... all yours to choose.
  2. I wondered that. I've got the Photography Plan. £9.98/month, is, what, about $12.50? Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems a steal to me for both PS and LR and cloud storage (which I don't use) I don't like the subscription model for software either but, as far as this one is concerned, I think it's an excellent deal.
  3. I know lots of people are complaining about Adobe…… but I’m paying them £10 a month for the LR and PS package and am really happy with it. I’ve had that subscription for about 6-7 years. Updates are frequent and often game-changing. Happily I’ve felt no need at all to cancel. Maybe I’ve just been lucky.
  4. Hi LSD! You've come to the right place to learn those creative techniques! Welcome! Great to have you with us.
  5. Lanyards are really easy to make: we've been discussing it in the New Toys thread. A bit of paracord (actually quite a lot but its cheap), a couple of snap connectors - or whatever - and about 20-25 minutes of time. https://blog.paracord.eu/post/7-paracord-bracelet-for-beginners-cobra
  6. TimG

    New toys.

    Lanyards are easy to make anyway - using a simple Cobra knot. The usual length of lanyard takes about 20-25 minutes to make using paracord. You can even choose whatever colour you want! For the paracord there's Mastercard. For the satisfaction, priceless.
  7. Great to have you with us, canislupus. I'm sure you'll see lots of familiar names here. Welcome!
  8. I'd agree with lots Andrej sets out. I had the Pro-Xs for about 2 years (about 400 dives) and loved them - and Primes before that. I've done only one trip so far with the Pro Max but was very happy with them. The differences? - Just a neater and more convenient arrangement with the Booster and 8 batteries rather than the Supercharger plus 8 batteries. - less o-rings using the Booster as opposed to the Supercharger making battery changes easier (I did find care was needed inserting the Supercharger to avoid o-ring bulges. Not a problem with the Booster) - more clickiness to the switches - power output displayed on the OLED - though, I have to admit, I did like the coloured indicator around the pilot switch and maybe miss that. - Mode display and power setting very clear on the OLED screen. - Better fitting of the ball mounts - The Boosters are WAY smaller/lighter than the Superchargers making them just that little bit easier to transport (and God knows every gram is starting to count!) Yeah, the cost of switching was painful and sometimes, in those early waking hours, you do wonder what on earth you are doing spending such a ton of money. As Andrej sets out in a post a few back, a lot of these things are not quantifiable nor, in an analytical world, might there be a solid business case. But, hey, I really like them, they are great to use and super for travelling. I know I am never going to have Buyers Remorse with them ("Ohhhh I wish now I'd gone for the X+ model"). Been there, not doing that again.
  9. Guys Sad to say we have just had another serious attempt to scam a member. Luckily through natural wariness and quick actions, this was headed off. Many thanks to the member concerned for drawing it to our attention so quickly. We've suggested some guidelines before and, given what just happened, it's worth repeating them: - be wary if someone offering you equipment is a new member - especially a brand new member. - be wary if you are offered equipment which has not previously been advertised for sale. - be wary especially if they then pass you on to a third party - even a fourth party! - be wary of claims a large purchase must be paid by PayPal Friends and Family and not the commercial route. - be wary if photos sent claiming to illustrate the goods are generic and not specific to the item. - be wary if there is some weird despatch route, payment system, avoidance of import rules. - be wary if internal alarm bells sound - respect those spider-senses! - look for Waterpixels forum membership history. - look for clear knowledge of the item for sale. - look for straight-forward, simple payment methods particularly ones that you know have safeguards. If in doubt, delay and drop one of the Mods a PM. We will do what we can (yes, a bit limited admittedly) to take a look at the seller if they are a member and we'll reply as quickly as we can So far the forum has an excellent record of fair and welcome sales and purchases taking place with a minimum of grief and satisfaction for both parties. Let's work on keeping that way!
  10. Well done, John! I think the tough part is done.
  11. Slightly odd question maybe, but can any one tell me, please, the dimensions of the OLED top screen on the Nikon Z6II or Z7II? I can't find the info listed anywhere.
  12. Quite possibly because sales tax, VAT, is included in the price if you buy them in the EU from a dealer. Retra quote VAT-free prices on the website as goods are not necessarily being bought by EU nationals. They add the tax at the appropriate rate depending where in the EU they are exported. Here in Netherlands, for example, 21% VAT is added. If you look on the price charged by, say Onderwaterhuis - an excellent dealer in the Netherlands, their price is VAT-inclusive. Prices for electronic-type goods always look WAY cheaper in the US. Adding tax into the price at 20%-21% in the EU is the usual explanation.
  13. Nikon announced today firmware upgrades to v3.70 from 3.60 for the Z6 and Z7 models. As far as I can see this upgrade is for the Z6 and Z7 only and not the Z6II or Z7II - nor the Z6III Nikon's website says the update will: Changed the default values for the following settings displayed when connecting wirelessly: - Encryption keys - The password displayed after the camera's default settings are restored • Fixed an issue that would cause some buttons on the camera and MC-N10 to stop responding when the MC-N10 shutter-release button was used to start or end movie recording. Link for the Z6: https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/en/download/fw/534.html Link for the Z7: https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/en/products/492/Z_7.html
  14. ScubaBC! Welcome. Great to have you with us. |We hope you really like the forum.
  15. It does indeed. It works really well.
  16. It would be good if someone could take pics of you in action removing that glass, John. The strained expression, the frustration, the torn knuckles, the beads of sweat...... capturing that FFS look?
  17. We’ve all been in that If Only I’d moment!
  18. Hi Eyal Good to have you with us. Welcome to your new home 😉
  19. This is my recollection of how mine was done. I think having a new o-ring available is important. The old one may well be damaged during the extraction process - especially if you use a dental pick!
  20. Is Hawk Tuah green?? (Brilliant. Pity it's not 1 April!)
  21. You pays your money and you take your chances. I loved my Inons but pretty much zero customer support, oddly quirky controls and an indigestible manual. Retra? Yep, expensive for sure but a quality product, super light quality, terrific support and backup. Bluetooth firmware updates, anyone?
  22. If we get an answer to this, I'll pin it. It'd be really useful. I saw it done some years ago when I worked in Lembeh. Shen, one of the techies from Reef Photo, replaced the glass on one of my Subal ports. It took him about 10 minutes to get the old glass out using a modified cut-down dental pick plus an approx 4" lever he'd made out of thick acrylic - or polycarbonate. It looked like a push bike tyre lever. It was one of those pick-pull-lever-curse-pick-lever-mutter-lever-bingo manoeuvres. Popping the new glass in took seconds. It was very impressive! I scrounged the lever and pick off him in exchange for free diving..... I've never done it myself though. Probably just as well.
  23. We English care about you, Atus, especially after last night. A deserved win!
  24. Hey, you joke. I've seen it done. I've seen spectacular pics of a nudi crawling along a mirror. Shades of Apocalypse Now?
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