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Everything posted by TimG

  1. This is horrendous and raises so many questions about the operator.
  2. Great to have you with us, Ellen. I'm sure you'll recognise lots of familiar names. A warm welcome to your new home.
  3. Assuming there's something to photograph! 😄
  4. I’m going to Boot so will keep an eye out. I don’t recall seeing Inon though on the list of manufacturers attending.
  5. Great to have you with us, thejaguar. Welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you enjoy the forum.
  6. Interesting thought. Where did this come from?
  7. Yep, changing the shutter speed does indeed let you change the colour of the background water. The faster the speed, the less light gets to the sensor and the darker the background. The slower the shutter speed, the more light gets to the sensor and the lighter the background. So you can to a fair degree control the "blueness" of the background to suit the image you are trying to create. As Wolfgang sets out, using the LR Tint and Temp sliders changes the whole image WB unless yuu confine the adjustment to areas isolated through a Mask(s). Masks and WB can be tricky compared to using a Mask to, for example, remove a distracting element. But if its only the background and nothing which is a prime element of the subject is excluded, a Mask can do this quite well I find. I used to use diffusers with the Inon Z240 strobes. But now with the Retras, I just can't see any real difference with or without diffusers.
  8. I agree with Dave. The latest version of LR makes the use of masks really easy and very powerful. Removing unwanted items is amazing.
  9. Hi reefscenics Welcome to Waterpixels. We hope you really enjoy the forum. Good to have you with us.
  10. Cutbacks! Welcome to Waterpixels. We're delighted you've joined us and hope you really like the forum. Best wishes Tim
  11. Hey Naughticam! Great name! Welcome to Waterpixels and the top of the slope that leads to the rabbit hole. Good to have you with us!
  12. Hi Nicholas Welcome to Waterpixels! I’m sure you’ll get help here with your question on the TG system. Lots of expert advice as you rightly say. Good to have you with us.
  13. Hi Grace Just to add to Davide's post, you can add an image to a post by clicking the "Drag files here to attach or choose files" which should be at the bottom of the text box. This will allow you to link to a file on your device. On macro shooting, one of my favourite techniques is to use a snoot which allows light to be concentrated on a small object isolating it from its background. See: Good to have you with us Tim
  14. Hi Littlebutmighty! Welcome to Waterpixels. Great to have you with us, We hope you enjoy the forum.
  15. Yeah me too. Though I did find the charging mechanism a bit quirky. But sad news indeed.
  16. Hi Johan! Great to have you with us. Welcome to Waterpixels!
  17. Great to have you with us, jkepic! Welcome to Waterpixels.
  18. Fear? Partner watching your every move? Trying to figure out how much you can claim it cost?
  19. I use the Tokina all the time for WA. Although I have both a 100 and a 140 port, unless I am setting out to do under/overs, I always use the 100. I can't see an advantage in the 140 for standard WA shots with the Tokina. Totally agree with this. I think going with that one-lens-which-can do-anything is not a recipe for success. The problem is not the lens but the way having that range of options impacts on the creative thinking process. Pick a lens and go out thinking about what you can create with that. Photography is much about visualisation of an end result and then going out to achieve it.
  20. Hi jlaity This is very odd. We’ll take a look and get back to you.
  21. Hi Canada_diver! Welcome to Waterpixels. We’re delighted you’ve joined us. We hope you really enjoy the forum. Best wishes Tim
  22. Careful, I think folks have been cancelled for less...... 🤣
  23. I love to see sanity check and new (underwater camera) system in the same sentence. Ha! How sane are we to spend so much cash and take all this sensitive gear in salt water? Good luck on that final decision making, visalia. Just confirm to us all that you remain sane at the end of the process; and what pills you took. I'd like to order some. 🙈
  24. Now that is a cracking idea! Keeps those bolts safe and sound. I like it!
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