One month ago in Zurich airport security control... wouah 2 x 16 AA baterrie box... ( and a box with 6 x 32650 )
It was the first time i've been controlled... and that the agent wanted to make problems... To many batterie... but it wasn't Li-ion bat... and I said it for 2 person...
I was lucky the second agent said it's OK...
My Eneloop are younger, I bought new one before my last holiday.
My feeling is that with the new one I had more time before they was "empty"... I'll buy a new set of 16 for the next trip.
I use a booster on each strobe
I'm happy to have orderer the maxi then it is more and more it is a problem changing the AA
Some of my float made over 200 dives and deeper some dives was deeper as 50 m (not far from 200 feet)
PLA, and the last in PETG allways with epoxy some time with fiberglas cover and the last one with carbonfiber
My arms are not only float but are arms with the problematic to have at the end a retra + one bigblue lamp
But you will need a good insurance... I didn't trust to 100% and in the time waterproof parts.
I made a lot on floating part llike arm) it work one year or more.... but at the end water is comming in.
No and I can not recommanded to do such a thing.. I have some experience in 3d printing for underwater objects...
It works... 1 time 10 time 100 times or more .. and it break or you have some water in ....
OK 614 € but what is the price of you camera etc ????
Hi @Kraken de Mabini
I wrote a new report (in french) following my last stay at the Black Sand Dive Retreat.
You can take a look here Séjour plongées aux Raja Ampat et Lembeh du 23/02 au 18/03/2025 - Compte-rendus de voyages - - Le site de la plongée sous marine
The first part is Raja Ampat.
Small update of using the MFO-1
Maximun distance is less as what I believe... I estimate now on 1 meter with the RF100.
I probably made 95 % of the pictures with it the last 4 days.
What I noticed is that it is much more easier to take such pictures... before it was complicate to put the focus then it allways go at the bacground. I love that
Hi I try for the first time today my MFO-1 with a Canon RF100 max distance beetween 1 and 2 m... but the first impression ...
Waouh 🥰 Now I go watching the first shoot.
If I navigate without reference... only need to go in a direction I have my camera at the front of me and I swing straight to find the wrack or what ever I show the compass every 5 seconds 😉 it's totaly something else
Left right or up it s the same you don't look at the viewfinder 😉
On the top of the housing I have allready a gopro or a focus lamp or a compas... depending of the situation but never without something
Blackwater Dive... hummm ok a good argument if you have the information on the viewfinder. Otherwise ???
Personaly I have one dive computer on each arm..I only need to look at right or at left a little bit and I have all information I need. Also the pressure of my tank.
Hi Tino Thanks for the solution.. nice idea.... but I didn't understand why attached the computer at the photo housing...
For me it MUST be on the diver.
Sorry but if you have good argument I ll happy to know it.