I've been shooting big iron for years but I'm starting to think small ....
Currently I have an A7R5 in a Nauticam housing. I've got a variety of lenses and ports such as the WWL-1B, 140mm port, 180mm, a macro port, and related lenses. So I've got all the big iron stuff, know how to use it, and enjoy it when I'm in the water.
All that considered, I HATE packing carrying, and ferrying all the "stuff". Yes, I could just suck it up BUT now I'm wondering about going small ... meaning an iPhone 15 Pro Max in a capable housing.
I'm sure there are those who have made the transition before me. I am seeking your opinions about the change and would appreciate any words you might care of share.
I'll be (maybe) using the rig in the 40-160 foot depth range and will be shooting wide angle, fish portraits, and macro.
Thanks in advance,