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  1. Appreciate the heads up but just picked up two from a member here. Thanks for thinking of me! -Pete
  2. Love the out of the box thinking! The aliexpress ones might work with an adapter. Thinking I might just 3D print a backup and bring some glue so if one breaks I can glue it and if it's beyond gluing I could use the printed one. Have a trip in a couple weeks so starting to run low on time for things to be shipped to me.
  3. Thanks, that's what I'm looking for. I was planning on using a Digi-power pack for extended run time but every image I see of the AOI UWL 03 has it mounted on a GoPro underwater housingnull. Can I mount the lens directly to a Gopro without an underwater housing and do you know if there will be interferance issues with the Digi-power pack? I'll be in shallow water and want extended run time of the GoPro.
  4. I have not, thanks for the suggestion. At first look the 40mm (min.) to 78mm (max.) worries me but will dig deeper. I'm looking to mount a gopro on the bottom and leave it for a few hours with the goal to focus close up to infinity to film fish near and far. I could also just glue the macro lens on with some silicone. Edges aren't sharp but that's at least another option. At shallow depth I'd think it would be ok.
  5. Yep, they sell pairs and/or are out of stock on the individual handles and don't want to split up a pair.Since I only really need one I was hoping someone had one laying around I could get rather than buying new.
  6. I completely agree. I'll only be shallow <20ft so won't need an extra dive case. The video I've seen have not been super sharp. GoPro does offer a "GoPro macro lens mod" which is waterproof but also states "1Macro Lens Mod is not intended for use under water", so the it must be pretty bad underwater. Still haven't found a good solution.
  7. There are people using a GoRpo 15x magnification snap on lens underwater and getting great results and people who have had the same cameras fox instantly. Has anyone had success with the 15x magnification snap on lenses underwater that they can link to? Some lenses specifically say "not waterproof" and others don't mention anything. If it was waterproof they would mention it so looking for real world experiences. I'm specifically looking for this type of snap on lens, not the fold over options or options that require modification.
  8. Looking for a spare DSLR Nauticam Handle. Specifically need a right handle but would also take a pair.
  9. Not yet! I bought a used housing and was told to check housing handles often as they can crack and break. Heading on a two week photo trip and it got me thinking...I never expected that and it could completely derail my trip. Is that a common problem and what else could break that I wouldn't expect that might derail the trip.
  10. What are your essential spares that you bring on an underwater photography trip? It seems like if any one thing breaks it would be a huge problem and could derail the trip. Do you bring spare camera housing handles, extra strobe, mask/snorkle, Eztra O-rings, etc? Are there any items on housings such as camera handles that experience has taught you are most likely to break?
  11. I'm suprised Sony isn't at the top. While I shoot a canon all I see to hear about is people raving about Sony.
  12. I know the WACP-1 would never actually be used for above water shots but will above water shots be blurry? In testing the WACP-1 out my above water shots my shots were blurry but haven't had a chance to confirm everything looks sharp underwater. I assumed because it was a dry lens pictures would be sharp either way but perhaps it's just the lens correction that causes issues above water.
  13. I’m looking to put GoPro’s underwater to film for a few hours but the batteries won’t last that long in cold water. Therefore, I’m looking for a small case that would give me room to put the camera and a few extra batteies to keep the camera powered. 3D printing is also an option but would have to dig into O-ring groove design and figured there are better options out there. Thinking it’s probably a DIY solution but could be purchased too. Anyone have any suggestions that won’t break the bank? Case will be less than 10ft deep. There are two main problems that I see. 1) Finding a waterproof case. My understanding is that most cases that are avertised as "waterproof" aren't actually meant to be underwater for hours at a time. Pelican cases for example are IP67 meaning they are rated for up to 1 meter underwater for 30 minutes. 2) If I don't find a clear case for the GoPro to look out, I could attach a dome to the case so the camera can look out but not sure how to waterproof it to the case. Perhaps epoxy?
  14. Thanks for the tip, will check it out!
  15. Looking for a backup Inon Z330 strobe. Shoot me a PM, thanks.
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