Welcome on board Chris,
Another tech diver 🤩
tell us more about this project.
I have a lot of Mediterranean mesophotic in my channels and citizen science projects for several Italian scientists working on mesophotic animal forests.
Beautiful photos.
This is a very common phenomenon here in the Mediterranean where animal forests usually start below 30 metres.
Experience and knowledge of the different species help in the composition.
News has broken overnight that the 33 year-old diving industry stalwart, and Dive Rite's General Manager lost consciousness at Plura Cave on Wednesday 3 April 2024.
Are you setting the gopro lens linear or wide (not superwide)?
Sorry I can't help you right now. The lens was lent to me by the official dealer and I returned it. Other people who tried it before me also had no problems.
Hi Robin,
Yes I used it with a 52mm screw mount but I tested the default bayonet mount without problems.
The bayonet mount needs water inside to remove the vignette.
I've used it several times. Just read the other thread here.
Are you checking it in water? On land there's a strong vignette which disappears underwater.
@RomiK @Interceptor121
Guys, the messages on both sides have been getting personal for quite a while. I would say let's end the diatribe between the two of you here and get back to discussing the topic.
I would not be so sharp with judgments. I don't shoot HDR video and I am doing great with my Chinese monitor with Hugyfot housing. 5 years, hundreds of hours of shooting and never a problem.
To paraphrase, there is no such thing as just Arry Alexa and everything else sucks.
Let's see what alternatives are currently on the market and their approximate prices.
Housing + monitor
Marelux MX-SHINOBI (SDI) + Shinobi 5" - 1000 nits - (?) - 2400 USD (2100 + 300)
Nauticam NA-Shinobi-H + Shinobi 5" - 1000 nits - (-180 g) - 2400 (2100 + 300)
Nauticam NA-Ultra5 + SmallHD Ultra 5 5" - 3000 nits - (+480 g) - 5100 USD (2900 + 2200)
Standalone Monitors
Anglerfish HD57 4K 5.7" - 550 nits (-145 g) - 1800 USD
Kraken KRM07-2200 7" - 2200 nits (-560 g) - 1900 USD
Weefine WED-5 5" - 480 nits (-260 g) - 1000 USD
Weefine WED-7 PRO 7" - 500 nits (-280 g) - 1600 USD
SUPE M5.5 5.5" - 3000 nits - (?) - 1000 USD (*)
Fotocore Monitor MR6 6" - 2600 nits - 1300 USD (*)
Dive & See DNC-5A H1 5" - 450 nits (-300 g) - 2500 USD
Surely I am forgetting someone. I have omitted the more exotic models. and I wrote in bold the brightness and weight in water where indicated.
The only one that floats is the nauticam SmallHD Ultra which is positive by almost 500 grams/one pound. It is also the most expensive and I find it really hard to justify its cost for non-professional use.
(*) From the photos and technical data this appears to be exactly the same monitor. Hard to tell who actually produces it. It is laughable that the two data sheets do not even agree on size and brightness.
IDK if Easydive makes a specific one for his housing. There's a link yo a wet lens kit (maybe Saga) but I get a 404.
They have an adapter for their GoPro housing and Inon lens thought.
Physics is physics!
You cannot use such an extreme WA behind a flat port. It looks like the GoPro with the superview. Also in movement the perspective is disorienting. With the AOI lens in front they would be perfect!