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Everything posted by hellhole

  1. i concurr that which camera you have does matters to the 90mm strangely.. as when i on the a7r2.. it hunts and hunts and hunts... but when i was on the a7r4. it does much better on the AF. I seen alex mustard shared that a1 and a7r5 are much better on getting focus on the 90mm. strangely? because the 90mm was release b4 the a7r2. you would think that it will work well with it in the first place.. another thing about the 90mm is that if you use manual focus .. once you get to dial in... if you switch it to AF, it will all go away. i understand that if you got it focus in manual focus.. you should be good..and take that picture... but sometimes i get it close, but wanted some help with the AF. is it how it is for all macro lens? this lens is release in march 2015... almost 10 year!! lets hope we get a new one that can go beyond F22!!
  2. i think its worthwhile to upgrade to the GP10 at least. i find that the AWB does a pretty good job on quite a bit of the footage. i am also quite surprise with the software the help to correct the colours on the footage when i use the Wide angle lens. i have not tried to do a step up from 52/55mm to 67mm to use the variable filter. but i think it will work as well..
  3. to cut away a little bit on the wife angle stuff i think that this M67 filter adapter from inon is very interesting if you add the 67mm variable filter that they have http://www.inon.jp/products/gopro/hero/sdfrontmaskhero9.html i did it a few times, although for sure its not as wide, but it helps with the white balance. i wish now, that they can combine these 2 things that they have.. put a smaller variable filter before the wide angle lens!!!
  4. is adding a bigger screen an innovation? maybe being able to put in / take out a filter is quite the innovation.. at first i thought that having 'buttons' seems like they have enable changing setting like white balance .. but it does not seems to be the case
  5. hm.. now i see it...
  6. hello i do not see a reply tab or anything . i wish to contribute to the discussion .. but do not know a way to do so...maybe i am missing something.. move this if its posted at the wrong location
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