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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Olympus EMD 5
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    S&S YD-1
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  1. Anyone here has tips on how to unstuck a Shutter on OLY E-M5 Camera please? One of my EM5's shutter stuck in the closed position and wouldn't budge. I'd like to be able to fix it without me having to go through the torturous effort and expense to send it to Europe for repairs.
  2. I am considering one of these 3 wet lenses to use with my M43 OLY 12-50mm lens to add a rectilinear wide angle option in my kit: 1. The MWL-1 with 150Deg FoV. This lens can be used with the OLY 12-50mm and the 30mm macro lenses. It is the most expensive of the 3 options but has the widest FoV, 150Deg, and works with two of my lenses. It runs about $2,100. I know that it can be attached to a flip adapter to have a choice to use it or not while underwater so that I can take macro, normal and very wide angle shots in one dive: Macro to Wide Angle Lens 1 (MWL-1) ~150 deg. FOV with Full Frame 60mm Macro Lens The Nauticam MWL-1 is a revolutionary concept! It is a wet-mounted ultra wide lens (meaning it can be attached and removed underwater) designed to be used with a 60mm full frame equivalent macro lens that results in an ultra-wide 150º field of view. The MWL-1 can focus from the lens' front... www.nauticam.com 2. The WWL-C is the least weight of the 3 and the least cost but only works with one lens, the OLY 12-50mm with 130 Deg FoV. Costs around $1,100. I believe that it can be attached to a flip adapter to have a choice to use it or not while underwater so that I can take macro, normal and very wide angle shots in one dive (but not certain of this): Wet Wide Lens for Compact Cameras (WWL-C) ~130 Deg. FOV with Compatible 24mm Lenses The next evolution of the WWL-1 is here! As the versatility and capability of compact cameras increases, Nauticam has developed a smaller and lighter water contact wide angle lens tailored specifically to the compact camera user. Designed from the ground up to match the compact camera's form... www.nauticam.com 3. The WWL-1 with 130Deg FoV. I know it is heavy but better quality than the WWL-C AFAIK. I don't know if it can be attached to a flip adapter to have a choice to use it or not while underwater so that I can take macro, normal and very wide angle shots in one dive: Wet Wide Lens 1 (WWL-1) ~130 deg. FOV with compatible 28mm Lenses The WWL-1 is the highest quality wet-changeable underwater wide-angle conversion optic ever made, featuring unmatched contrast, overall sharpness, corner sharpness, and clarity. The design is truly full zoom through, allowing zoom to to be used as a tool for framing, and removable in water for... www.nauticam.com I am going back and forth between the MWL-1 and the WWL-C but I don't know which way to go between the 3 lenses. Can anyone here give me help/input/advice/opinion that would help me to decide please? All of them are big $$$ for me so I want to make sure that I am getting the right lens. P.S. I have the Pani 8mm fisheye but it isn't the right lens for what I want to do. I participate in U/W photography competitions in the Middle East and the 8mm fisheye doesn't address the photography categories in the competitions based on my previous experience.
  3. Salams and greetings to all! I am from and living/diving in Western Libya. I started diving in the mid 70's in Libya and moved to the US in the early 80's and dove in New England, NY/NJ and Florida for over 30 years. I owned a dive center in NY until I decided to go back to live in Libya. I dove all over the Caribbean, Fiji, Micronesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Egypt's Red Sea, UAE, Oman and the southern Mediterranean in Libya. I started taking underwater photos in the mid 90's. I consider myself an "intermediate" level underwater photographer. I have logged well over 5000 dives worldwide and earned instructor and course director/instructor examiner ratings with few international diver training agencies. If I am not teaching diving, I am diving to take pictures. Currently, I am back living and diving in Libya and pretending to go to work as an engineer but I take every opportunity to go diving especially since I live only 5 minutes from good diving in a country with 2000km of mostly virgin beautiful coastline. Happy to be here and I look forward to meeting and learning from everyone!! http://www.instagram.com/bmuntasserphoto http://www.flickr.com/photos/193604377@N08 http://www.facebook.com/BurhanMuntasserPhoto
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