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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    GoPro Hero 11
  • Camera Housing:
    GoPro Original Housing
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    2x wurkkos DL07, 1x wurkkos DL70
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  1. Wurkkos USB Charger 2 Slots 18650 26650 16340 26650 Rechargeable Battery Universal Charger Charger for battery I use this bad boy for charging my 26650 battery, and support also 18650, super cheap, and if you get one of their torch, it comes with the package, if you select the option with battery. Got it for 3 years, still going.
  2. Thanks, and nice shot on the blue ring octopus, I noticed that there is another camera in the shot, there were 2 stacked divers 😁? By the way, I already got the G55, and did some test: INON G55 and color correction test 2 Pretty good image quality, but a bit harder to mantain focus on the subject
  3. Take two on the clip, changed way less value, and the result looks better to me, i also cut the last part where colour went crazy, and slowed down the clip The next video I'll put the wide angle shot, I promise to stop fiddling with the hermit crab 😁
  4. I shoot without red filter and with light, but I used my spot lights, because I did not have time to adjust my two video lights, overexposing a lot in certain areas of the image, mostly on the sand 🙃 I am using Da Vinci Resolve, but I moved way too much settings I think, I have to try again the colour balancing starting from the base video 😁
  5. I am slowly editing the video I made, I had a really short time to film them, with a bit of a poor result, because it was the last dive of the day, and the guide was going pretty fast 😅 In the next days I'll put the wide clip result, I started with this since I wanted to check the result with the Inon g55 PS, I am not convinced that i made a good job on the color correction, any suggestion on that? I am still learning how to do it
  6. I am trying also the QR code labs feature, I am printing the code for fast swap of the settings
  7. This weekend I'll try to get some test footage and post it raw and color graded without filters, but with the wide angle lens (GoPro 11) I am really interested in this topic, and I'd really like of what people prefer between red filters/no filter, the time where I used them, I mostly screwed up with a bit too unnatural color
  8. I got the GoPro 11, and I had the polarpro red/magenta filters that are sold on the official GoPro website, but I sold them for three reason: -The newer GoPro have a better auto white balance, and I did some test, where I was continuosly filming, where I could just see that the before and after insertion of the filter, was almost identical, because the camera would compensate it, rending it almost useless if not worsening the image by adding too much red. -I found out that by applying a fast filter on the Quick app, or by editing in post, I would get better result without filters. -If you use decent light, don't use filter, if you don't like a red world By not using filter, I was also able to use the INON wet lens, the UFL-G140 SD and UCL-G165 SD, wich improve by a lot the quality of the footage, and permitting me to go up to 4 cm from subject, instead of the minimum of 60 that have the GoPro without lens. I Put here two examples, the first while I was using filter 2 years ago in the Philippines, and the second this year at raja ampat with the 140 wide lens. In both you can see my still shit editing skill, but concentrate on the image quality 😬 Philippines + filters: Raja ampat + UFL-G140:
  9. The repaired lens came back yesterday, now is like new again the only small problem I had wiht the swap, is that some dust was trapped between the inner and outer lens, but after contacting the repair shop, I was able to remove the outer dome, clean every spec of dust, and close it again, and after a test underwater, now is perfect again! Here the video before and after the dust clean: Before: Video WhatsApp 2024-06-11 ore 16.19.07_9b683d4e.mp4 After: Video WhatsApp 2024-06-12 ore 10.11.59_1e09d724.mp4
  10. I can confirm that using the 16:9 format, wide and 5,3 k resolution (go pro 11 ) you will have no vignetting And I am using the inon ultrawide lens, that have a bit wider view, despite both reporting 140 degree. Here the video with the difference between the lenses:
  11. The vignetting is normal if you use the full sensor 8:7 format To avoid it, you need to use a different format, the inon lens that is basically identical got the same issue, to reduce it a bit, you could bump up the stabilization setting, as the stabilization crop more the image. I'll paste here the recommended setting from the inon website, give it a try:
  12. Yes, he did not yet went to the macro side of the GoPro (maybe for good reason xD)
  13. I already saw that, but unlike the ultrawide (that i bough before the AOI was sold) the price difference is just about 50 euro AOI Lente macro close-up subacquea per action cam gopro e smartphones AOI-UCL-03 (fotosub-shop.com) and there is even less video review of it. By looking at the spec, the aoi have a 90° view angle, while the inon is a 45°, and for the smaller subject I would like to film (Nudibranch of 1 cm or less) i think the narrower fov is better. But this is just me without any video confrontation 🙃 I really would like a vs video like this between the AOI-UCL-03 and the UCL-G55 SD
  14. Thanks @makar0n, I asked in the other post if they got some footage for me 😁 About where to get it is not a problem, I already found a reseller in italy that has it avaiable 🙂
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