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Everything posted by eLzUb

  1. What’s the real bargain I mean not the cheapest solution but the best bargain in terms of image quality with used equipment to start uw photography? For example I found Sony a7 II in really good shape at 500 euro, but if I look around uw case cost around 1000-3000 euro. I don’t want compact camera with small sensors, at this time outside water I shot with fujifilm x100 series … so would like to keep good image quality. a full frame would be something really curious and happy to work with. because i never had and always dreaming about it. for video I have already an action cam… so no need video capabilities. for you….now in the market what’s the real uw bargain as camera and case? the cost to buy this used equipment cannot exceed the price (1500euro) of NEW Olympus E-M10 IV with Underwater Housing that now I think is one of the cheapest solution with a bigger sensor than 1 inch about new gear in the market… even the camera is old and hope to see a new model soon. btw cheap does not mean bargain.
  2. I read many interesting features for diving compared to GoPro… also weatherproof at 20 mt it’s good for snorkeling, free diving and spearfishing. and I think will give more protection in case flooding during a dive. and I’m Really curious to check video in low light. This new dji made me thinking about to sell my gopro11.. when I read improved battery but with compatibility with the old one… I laughed at GoPro new batteries!
  3. I got your point, tnx for sharing this YouTube channel. lets wait for the new GoPro 🤞 btw Now I understand my idea of blue, in the past few summers I dove in aeolian and pelagean islands,😀 I found with my eyes a nice blue also in ustica but later I had to work a lot with CC, due to’ predominant green in some dive site. I dive usually in Tuscany and Liguria, sometimes I can find green but sometimes I can find blue hue. For blue or green in the med I think also it depend on how is the light at that time and the current flow in the last 24hr. i would like to get more knowledge on this topic.
  4. @bghazzal thank you for your comment. I really appreciate dive with filter, In many dives last week I left on the boat arms with lights so I was only with ambient light. i liked also the more narrative shoot when… instead to use video light you just point the subject with your diving torch inside a hole or cave or wall. the downside is about how GoPro manage the iso. hope the 13 will solve it. btw med is not totally green … Actually I dive only where and when is blue.🙂
  5. After a week end diving with GoPro and filter… i can say in some situation it helps a lot: with good visibility and full sunny weather.between 8-15 -20 mt in other situation I’ve noticed loss in definition for sure due how GoPro manage the iso and lack of light: with cloudy weather or between 25-45 mt. at the end I think filter works fine with ambient light, a thing that we miss in many place where i use to dive.(Mediterranean Sea) I thing the best place for use filter is tropical water Those are my first brief thoughts about it, I still have to play with my shots. 😉
  6. I hope GoPro will come out with something to get better video in low light, could be larger sensor, some magic by software or whatever… and keep compatibility with accessories as case and mount. otherwise I will just wait the upcoming new mount for insta and dji to use wide and macro lenses…
  7. I use da Vinci resolve, it looks complicated at first, but you can find many tutorials online.
  8. I read the Backscatter guideline but I did not find it so usefully. they suggest awb auto and iso max to 6400. Don’t like let GoPro choose for me 🙂
  9. Hi Ben… you provided a really good explanation, I will start with those settings and check after. actually I would like to play more with the shutter speed but not sure if GoPro could act as mirrorless.. really thank you!
  10. Hello there! I read many useful post about red filter but I still have doubts.🤭 I never used red filter and I will do this week end in the Mediterranean Sea. do you suggest a protune setting to use ? Ev white balance ISO max color ps can i use filter with 2 video lights on or better use only with natural light? If yes I would have a different protone settings? Thank you!!!!
  11. Did you fix it? at the end how is this lens with the mount by backscatter? I did not find much info on the web
  12. I would not attach this lens to the flip mount because is really heavy.
  13. Hello there! so happy to be here! I’m an Italian scuba diver. passionate about videos underwater and photo above the water. Hope to get precious tip and trick and to share with you my knowledge. and why not…. Get some friends!
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