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Nando Diver

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Nando Diver last won the day on December 21

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Gopro 13 + AOI UWL-03
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    divevolk LS50
  • Accessories:
    INON Light Adapter for GoPro Set 1
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  1. Another video from today using Gopro Labs WBLK ..No color grading, Natural color, 4k60 etc etc
  2. Same preset WBLK + WBDV with dive lights turned off Ps: is visible some unwanted torch light/flash from other diver for couple seconds No color grading,SDR to SDR output and crop 8:7 to 16:9
  3. On the left preset WBLK On the right preset WBLK + WBDV If theres no other torch or dive lights interfering in the picture its possible to use the preset WBLK + WBDV..but the 4X RED boost will react in excess with other an expected light source.
  4. Like i mention yesterday the preset WBDV dive gives boost in red 4X, and was to excessive. Also Yesterday the water has some kind of Broulliard/Fog in the water, meaning theres was less water penetration of light at 18m, maybe 10m visibility (everything was darker) I erase that preset and create the WBLK + WBDV and i had nice improvement, but there a few points i should considerer. The water today was unusual blue, like 20m visibility at depth 22m (better light penetration than yesterday) Certain situations/distance i prefer to turn of the dive light if i see too much reddish If im filming with dive lights with preset WBLK and another diver point their torch to the subject the torch light is lightly visible. if im filming with dive lights with preset WBLK + WBDV, and another diver point their torch point to the subject the torch light became strong orange/reddish, the image is completly ruined (heres 2 examples) Ps: the dive location is a wreck.
  5. Today ive tried the Gopro labs preset with WBDV=1 Depth was maximum 18m and with 2x dive lights at minimum about 2500 Lumes each, there was too much red with gain 4X WBDV is more automatic – as the scene get more blue, the more the red channel is gain up 4x. Currently $WBDV=1 is uses =2.33,4.0 Its seems like with WBDV i was using a strong red filter, it can be a good feature if you dont use Dive Lights with Gopro, it works better for closed objects or Macro, but for ambient it needs further testing with different values. At least the AWB dont change drastically. Small video grading using Davinci Resolve with WB locked.. (learning in progress) Has usual lot of debris in the Water and some current. No stabilisation correction was used because it creates a weird effect. ISO was set to 800 EV Comp -05 Color Natural The Gopro Histogram is very handy we can see if the colors are clipping. Ive delete the WBDV preset and create a new one named WBDV WBLK to test tomorrow.
  6. @Bio free dropbox limit is 1080p you can use https://wetransfer.com limit is 2GB per file
  7. For macro play with settings to remove that distortion and use 4K Its really difficult to get good stabilisation and focus without tripod in any action camera
  8. Use wide FOV settings, dont use Standard (Dewarp) its valid for AO4 but it should be the same for AO5 see this article https://www.tropicalsnorkeling.com/dji-osmo-action-4-for-snorkeling/
  9. Too me the image looks like it speeds up and then slowdown.
  10. Horizonbalancing gives a distortion effect on the sides/corners Rocksteady the video doesnt seem very smooth, looks like the camera is skipping some frames.
  11. @shokwaav the WBDV had a bug that was fixed on this version. i forget that ive used $pres for WBLK in the past and i though it was a bug. im testing next weekend WBDV, but the water is not blue has i would like. im also very curious about WBDV, at the moment ive configure separate presets for WBDV & WBLK. Ive also put histogram to avoid clipping while using dive lights
  12. Heres some Tips from Gopro labs forum to apply in specific Presets, this way we just need to change preset underwater and is not necessary to scan or laminate the printed QRCODE for underwater use. Ive choose settings for camera mode + resolution + protune + preferences manually in Gopro etc etc Named 4 presets, VIDEO, WBLK, WBDV, GPLOG The codes create with QRCODE are unique and simple to avoid metadata errors. Video im using with AutoWB *BITR=150 this will be available in all 4 presets even if you reboot (higher bitrate ) $PRES="0,WBLK" and create a preset named WBLK this will lock the white balance 1 second after recording start, only for the preset WBLK even if you reboot $PRES="0,WBDV" and create a preset named WBDV this is a semi-automatic white balance, has the scene get more blue and the red gaining will be 4X QRcode start by $ will be disable after reboot except if you use $PRES + preset name QRcode start by * will be permanent too all presets even after reboot
  13. New firmware Gopro Labs 1.30.72 - December 13, 2024 Added variable $f to determine how full the SD Card is. Returns -1 if the SD card is ejected, or storage remaining in GBytes. Use $f:U for storage used in GBytes. e.g. $PMSG="$f GB"!R Added support for printing the contents of fourCCs directly "bitrate $BITR" and "Owner $OWNR"are now supported. Fixed range time conditional in form >time<time(TRUE)~(FALSE) the else wasn’t be processed. Fixed for scripts Photo follow by a sleep. Fixed WBDV red channel clipping (overflow). PS: in every new firmware update, is always good to test the video metadata from all pre-defined presets, to make sure they are working correctly For exemple: in my preset B the metadata showing WBLK=1 is active, WBLK=0 not active in my preset A the metadata showing DIVE=1 is active, Dive=0 not active
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