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Nando Diver

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Everything posted by Nando Diver

  1. It seems using HLG HDR some Presets don't change, like ISO to 800 (ISO 1600 is mandatory). ive select WIDE=1 because it seems is using a wider gamut according with what the sensor captures, even using AUTO WB. Gopro Labs Settings for the 13 Video Mode preset HDR 4K 60FPS Lens WIDE EIS Autoboost PROTUNE depth 10-bit bit rate high shutter Auto 0EV Auto WB ISO min 100 ISO max 1600 sharpness medium color natural PREFS Auto off never lcd off never QR CODE DIVE=1 - optimizing the Hypersmooth stabilization for underwater. WIDE=1 This offers a color gamut like setting white balance to Native (wider gamut), while enabling auto whitebalance, or user controlled whitebalance. With WIDE off (0 - the default), the camera saturates color to the Rec709 gamut (basically sRGB), so some extreme real-world color saturations are clipped by the gamut. With WIDE=1, the gamut is sensor native, not Rec709, not Rec2020, just what the sensor sees. BITR=150 - set the compression in Mb/s for the Protune High Bitrate setting (HEVC only). Normally this would be around 100Mb/s, however higher (or lower) rates may be achieved with newer SD Cards. No guaranteed capture reliability using this feature. Input range in Mb/s from 2 to 200. Counterintuitively, lower frame rates like 24/25/30fps can use higher bitrates than faster frame rates. e.g. A camera that is reliable doing 180Mb/s at 24fps, will likely need to drop to 150Mb/s for 120fps. Most GP2 cameras can do 150Mb/s for all video modes, but your testing is still required. Use at your own risk.
  2. In my opinion all the 3 actions cameras for underwater are very close to each other, the iPhone runs in different league. OA5 PRO - the temperature sensor and depth sensor dont work inside the underwater case, its the best camera for snorkeling, its the worse for scuba diving due the Vignette in the corners and low bitrate. ACE PRO 2 - Its "almost" the best for Scuba diving, support 8K30 not 8K60, support 8bit not 10bit, largest sensor for better low light conditions, dedicated preset button for specific setting underwater, dedicated underwater mode, and dual AI sensor. GOPRO13 - Support firmware Gopro Labs to squeeze the maximal potencial of the Hardware , support HLG HDR, best with 3rd party acessories for different types of wet lens. iPhone 16pro max - the only one that allow to modify all the settings underwater, supports HDR, but unfortunately it doesn't have SDCARD and to transfers raw file requires more steps , the image stabilisation is the worse overall, its 3x more expensive.
  3. Gopro 13 VS insta360 Ace Pro 2 VS DJI Osmo Acrion 5 PRO vs Iphone 16pro Max Part1 In the video the reviewer say : which of these cameras has the best natural image. Part2 coming in few weeks
  4. The Gopro13 White Balance makes a good job getting the right colors depending of the information captured by the sensor. In my opinion, If theres light reflected to the sensor, the colors can be accurate, if theres no lights reflected the Algorithm works with what he has.. When theres a change in Temperature/kelvin (light reflected ) the Gopro sensor acts accordingly to his algorithm. See the exemple below with no color grading The water is Blue in the background when im close to some object The water is Green when there no light reflect to the sensor The water is Blue in the background when im close to some object again.
  5. Gopro 13 AIO UWL-03 Divevolk LS50 Left Standart SDR - 5.3K60 Wide 10bit WB 5500K ISO 1600 Natural color Right HLG HDR - 4K60 Wide 10bit WB 5500K ISO 1600 Natural color No color grading
  6. Gopro 13 AIO UWL-03 Divevolk LS50 Left Standart SDR - 4K60 Wide 10bit WB AUTO ISO 1600 Natural color Right HLG HDR - 4K60 Wide 10bit WB AUTO ISO 1600 Natural color No color grading
  7. @bghazzal Just artificial light. No ambient light It was a cloudy day To use flat color, its better to use Native WB also, and do all the grading. After seeing the HLG HDR filming, i think its gone be my Preset of choice...
  8. Today the Tie has changed and we had to skip the shipwreck to a different diving spot. Visibility was not the best, and there was some strong currents. Depth was about 16m When i start to experiment the HLG HDR Preset the image look very exposed in Gopro 13 little screen. Change to different preset from 5500K to AUTO WB and i got the same excess of exposure. Change to Standart SDR and the exposure is gone. My opinion is that the Gopro back screen dont support HDR HLG, im gone reduce the screen brightness from 100% to 50% in the settings and try again tomorrow. I grab some video comparison and put them side by side... maybe its not a fair comparison because i forgot to match the ISO to 1600 on the Standart Preset. No color grading was applied Left - HLG HDR Auto WB / 4K / Color Natural/ ISO max 1600 Center - HLG HDR/ WB 5500/4K/ Color Natural/ISO max 1600 Right - SDR / WB 5500K /5.3K / Color Natural/ ISO max 800
  9. WOW....if you have 4K HLG HDR capable display turn it on...amazing colors
  10. Ive spend too many years outside of technology forums 😃 Just realised the iPhone 12 and youtube supports HDR HLG... The drawback of using HDR HLG in Gopro 13 underwater is that has fixed ISO of min 100 - max 1600, i normally use 800max. According to this discussion on reedit, the Gopro 11 & 12 dont display "True HDR" but the Gopro13 will delivery HLG HDR that encodes the video to BT2100
  11. Getting ready for the weekend dive 😃 Dive location : ship wreck 25m + Dive soft coral reef 10m to 15m So i add new presets in Gopro for testing WB lock . (To change Presets underwater long press on power then Shutter to popup presets menu) Preset WB-Lock at 5500K to match the video lights (5600K) + Natural Color + ISO Max 800 My expectations is that the filming will have nice colors and be usable where the dive lights reach, without the need of color correction Preset HGL HDR + WB-Lock 5500k to match the video lights (5600K) + Natural Color Just curiosity since my computer support HDR Preset LOG + Native WB + Color GP-LOG Fo color correction afterwards Preset HDR HLG WB AUTO + Natural Color This will be for shallow waters with lots of ambient light up to 10m
  12. For many years my hobby was home cinema, i still have Ken Kreisel Home cinema speakers with Anthem receiver, but on this house its not possible to have a dedicated cinema room like in the past. Ive calibrated my Projector and sound system for the best performance, many many times. Has a video and sound purist at the time, i bought over the years about 300 blurays...yeah copys from the internet sucks... I still have a server with 14TB with ripped lossless blu-rays for streaming purposes, each ripped bluray has about 50gb each. A dedicated media player for streaming was the hard part due the lack of "official player" for streaming The Oppo UDP-203 was the cherry on the top of the cake for the Disks. Objective: Watch the Movie, and listen the HD audio soundtrack has the director intended.. Now im on the other side of the camera, i dont have budget, time or experience to get a Red Komodo. Underwater you the Diver, the director, the Producer, cinematographer, screenwriter, Art Director, Production designer, Line producer, the editor, Music Director, Composer, Gaffer and VXF supervisor. Just a niche market have their tv, projector and computer screen calibrated for later watch their Clips on post-processing. Like Matthias write at the comments section, he films in HDR and convert to SDR, because the majority of the "audience" dont have HDR displays. Some people are just happy applying a LUT in some action camera Clip to "improve" the limitations of the camera itself. I agree with the part of fake/vivid colours, but the large majority of people buying actions cams are for simplicity to capture some memories in their yearly trip on egypt or thailand.
  13. According to the comment section in the video iPhone PRO MAX 16 the filmmaker uses: WB Lock while recording. Wide Angle shots with Ambient light Filming HDR then convert to SDR 1 x Dive light Macro 2x Dive light for night diving There a Basic LUT for iPhone in is website https://courses.matthiaslebo.com/s/matthiaslebo/iPhone-basic-lut-pack
  14. I didn't notice any artifacts. I already test the iPhone 14 and 15 Pro max with Blackmagic Camera app inside the divevolk case and the image its better than the Gopro, the iphone only lacks stabilisation underwater. With iPhone you can adjust underwater WB, Zoom etc etc..
  15. @bghazzal Have you considerer to upgraded your computer to 4K I clearly see diferences between 1080p left and 4K right in 16" MBP M1 Look the details of red fish bottom corner on the left and right side And also on the top corner on the left, the 1080p is blurry compared with 4K Even the subtitles, blacks, white, blue, theres more contrast in right 4K Look at the strange artifact in 1080p in blue color above the word technology
  16. And another underwater review
  17. Mais outra review underwater da ACE PRO 2
  18. Video do evento de Lançamento da ACE PRO 2
  19. Review underwater Insta360 ace pro 2 Almost perfect for underwater, the only drawback is that still filming in 8-bit Image sensor 1/1.3" 8k 30fps Pure Video (for low light) 4K 60fps HDR 4K 60fps Dual AI chip 5nm dedicated for image processing & Noise reduction Dual AI chip 5nm dedicated for Processing and camera performance Field of view 157 degrees Clarity Zoom x2 (customize power button) Customize power button (able to use with underwater housing) Underwater Mode Profile (less distortion corners) 1800mAh battery reverse charging (use has power bank)
  20. Tried the setup underwater with 2x 16cm arms + 400g floats on the sides and hated..it's too bulky. The Dives here are good for Macro, theres also shipwreck with Groupers, Conger ell, Moray ell, Octopus, Lobsters, Spider Crabs and most of them are hide in narrow places and holes, this means 75% of the time a compact setup camera with dive lights. Visibility is 5m - 15m , in good days we can get 25m, but here the corals are soft with lots of debris in water. This means filming must be done close has possible to the subject. That's why a compact system here works better, and its the reason to my preference of the lamps close to the tray handle I have to angle the dive lights outwards to avoid backscatter. And no, i dont want to always adjusting the dive lights Position, or color temperature everytime we are at different depth or scene.. Since the system its too negative, i moved the floats under the tray, and i need to add a float 250g in the center with triple clamps.
  21. Ive tried in Gopro Flat profile and sometimes its too much extra-work for color grading Ive tried Gopro Vibrant and the high saturation color is too vivd Im using Gopro Natural Color and this is what worked best (for me) and i get the same result of the flat-profile after color graded. Heres a example: Depth 20 meters Time of the day 10.00am Visibility - Green water (Sesimbra....Not bali, Mexico or Thailand -:) Only One dive light setup to 3750 Lumens CRI96 5600K UWL-03 No color grading Gopro Natural color 5.3k 60fps WB Auto ISO Max 800 10-bit Wide Profile Standart File size 606Mb (transfer link available for 7 days) dropbox and google chrome they compact the original file. https://we.tl/t-GgI0vlP9GF
  22. With the new firmware released to OA5 Pro, Brent Durand made a side-by-side comparison with Gopro 13 underwater.
  23. Ive measured the setup today in salted water +850g The 2 extra clamps should be +50g Im thinking of 2 of the flex-arm floats they have +410g buoyancy, one each side, they have 15cm. But i have 2 spare floats of 400g buoyancy each with 10cm diameter x 5cm length, i only need the plastic arms (12cm) Im gone try this option first underwater to see if gives me enough flexibility, buoyancy and backscatter.
  24. My suptig also never flooded, never broke down, its sturdy, durable, very light, battery last almost 2hours and was very cheap... But that doesn't make good dive light for video or photography, let alone night dive its useless....Its perfect if you want to blind/cook sea life Its money wasted sitting here in Dive gear Memory box....
  25. The 20.000 lumens torch link from aliexpress you posted the dive light doesnt even have a brand name, the same torch design also sell on amazon.es and its 8000 lumens advertized, https://www.amazon.es/-/pt/dp/B07FTHDDXN/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 Its 99€, but at least there we can read the reviews, and even with 5 stars reviews they mention its not for video or photography, let alone the 1 and 2 stars that the dive light failed miserable after first dives. If you buy this torch frequently, get a led lux meter (40€) at least you know what you getting. https://www.amazon.es/-/pt/dp/B0D8J49K1P/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2ZZKI1GMEMLJJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QAgSKC2--QTheomQZrmS07qOBxEVXHz3je_lKH_LqAo9LjJCgg_CDTNMOUd65oQf5bANxeadZdOuOGifgymrguFk2EDW6yc5OzKDou658IGlSM8-vmxyp7p7tf9pOSaRoj2WHlZ_HbLkRvoWdTTwwvZnvHiA9sRjyqW2KGdGmuX4tkh9QLmvntiY_C74euT_vHXUlK0oRUy5RRKwRA-DcYhYvpGk4hdegahNVT-AqbUMHV1DkYwUFISddXApI3tNlhJKi9fRcbtWDJT1va47ypFFvGmvVl3el7xmLYQP0Tg.Cc08J48U4RZPMzEsDBXVdDDQd4_87fvcvtwVlrQ1LWU&dib_tag=se&keywords=led+light+meter&qid=1729322245&sprefix=led+light+meter%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-7
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