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Nando Diver

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Everything posted by Nando Diver

  1. You are absolutely right Ive tried color flat profile for couple weeks and later grading with Davinci, but im beginner in color grading and i was frustrated for not getting good results and went back to Natural color profile, it seems a good compromise and minimal grading. To do the Grading of White balance in Davinci i start by looking for a white object in video, and start from there (i even got color check card underwater but at deep of 20 meters its useless ) You also are correct about the lights, the divevolk has CRI 96 (excellent) and 5000 lumens, i need to use it in minimal settings that's about 1250 lumens and the color sometimes its a bit too warm in center. I should get a second dive light, and move it away from the center of the lents. But.... i dont want a bulky system Ive test a full Divevolk kit with 2x dive lights with iPhone 14, + blackmagic camera app and was impressed with the results....but the iPhone dont have the gopro image stabilisation. I didnt went with divevolk route, because the time ive tried it, all the dive i was too focus on video and less on the dive.... i want something simple that i can attach to the BDC, and if i see something interesting i will film it. For me, first of all, its important to enjoy the dive, the videography its secondary.
  2. Hi... My AOI UWL-03 was scratch on first or second day of diving...dont know where. Is not visible in poor visibility conditions, but in average/good visibility its noticeable. Once you know its there, you can't unwatch anymore External service dome replacement is 100€ + 24€ shipping..i ended buying another lens (200€ ) and keep both. Theres a lens hard cover for AOI UWL-03 PRO with reference AOI DHC-02 but are not available anywhere. https://www.aoi-uw.com/media/wysiwyg/AOI_UWL-03_PRO_Specifications.pdf
  3. Today ive upgrade from Gopro 10 to Gopro 13, not that was unhappy with quality from the GP10 but I want 10-bit for later color-grade.. Has being a turbulent week of indecisions because of the launch of Dji Osmo Action 5 ( excellent reviews) and i was decided to get this camera because of the temperature sensor and large sensor. I even headed to dji forums to get the all the technical details and understand how was the OA5PRO performing and how it would perform underwater, especially with Wide Angle Lens.. Undewater setup Gopro 13 AOI UWL-03 Inon light adapter for gopro set 1 sd front mask for gopro Divevolk LS50 Since ive upgraded to AOI UWL-03 lens, i can't imagine filming without them, especially because i dive all year in the cold greenish Atlantic waters of Sesimbra, Portugal. Not big of fan doing macro or photography due the obvious limitations of actions cameras, but its a learning process on each dive. The more i was digging about the OS5PRO, the more i realise gopro 13 has a more polish firmware/features, and despite the OA5PRO has larger sensor they havent unlock their full potencial yet, maybe in the future. Then a gopro 13 deal showed up at CEX... and ive trade my Gopro10 + 4 batteries/charger for a Gopro13 + 100€, financially was a good opportunity. Right or wrong...it is done, now i just want help/opinions for the best settings on Gopro13 for underwater use... Going on a liveaboard to Egypt in the end of november. The settings are not much different from the ones ive used in Gopro 10 Video: 5.3K 60fps Aspecto Ratio: 16:9 Lens: wide Hypersmooth: high/standart/on 10-bit: ON Bitrate: high Ev comp : -05 Shutter: Auto White balance : Auto White balance: 5500k (with dive light matching the temperature ) Iso min: 100 iso max : 800 Sharpness : medium color: natural Spot metering : on (this setting is new for me)
  4. Looking forward to learn and share about underwater video with actions cameras, and some post-processing with DaVinci resolve. My instragram is over here... https://www.instagram.com/nando.diver/
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