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Everything posted by Muellema

  1. Hi all, Still stand to my comment that I ask RETRA to check the affected strobe after return back home and got answer from RETRA that the strobe now is working and from there point of view it`s not necessary to send back to check. From my point of view I cannot trust this strobe. If they tell me something about firmware update will fix, why did all things happen only on one strobe and nothing happend on the second one witch was working fine with same firmware. Anyway I stop here also due to comments like "less clear feedback from the customer"....+ our user manual explains how errors can be dismissed. Maybe i`m a little fool but I can read and follow the explanations provided in manual +app. But might be Alzheimer has reached me after getting my university engineering degree 35 years ago and also using & managed many different UW strobes in the last 20 years of underwater photography. No more comment from my side. I`m just pi..... Thanks Markus
  2. Hi all, I`m also a Retra victim. Bought 2 Retra pro max with Booster in front of my 2 month travel in Indonesia September 2024 to substitude my very well working 3 Seacam 150D. Bought new Eneloops and tested everything back home in my office (no diving). In Indonesia one of the Strobes stopped working after few days. I was on a liveaboard on “forgotten islands trip” so communication was very hard. I lost the whole liveaboard trip the second strobe. After arrival mainland Indonesia Retra send me a miracle combination an how to restart the strobe so it might work. It start working again. No explanation why. Lot`s of Whatsapp communication…… and showed me the feeling I`m stupid. I tried everything and I`m no electronics specialist but I have technical background and can basically see if I do something wrong myself. ( interchange batteries, rest…. etc) Day`s later I put in fresh loaded batteries in the affected strobe and it showed zero battery power on the indicator and didn`t flashed.. Again contacting Retra….. Next miracle combination. Asked what I should I do if it´s happening again. Answer: use miracle combination…… and it happened again. I`m asking myself if I`m a user or tester.. or have to remember which combination of pressing knobs on the flash to start it working. In regard to the battery life incl. Booster my experience is that after around 50-60 shot´s full power the battery indicator on the Retras showed 1 bar battery live. I don`t know what I should believe, due to Retra words, but I always decided to change batteries before next dive to be shure to have enough power for the next dive. Asking Retra to check the affective flash after my return was negative. From my point of view a poor service if you refuse a customer request to check a not occassinaly working product in warranty phase. Br Markus PS Plan my next trip for around 2-3month in the south sea and would be very disappointed if my flash equipment fails…. Might be I should go back to my trusted Seacam`s 150`s, heavy but never failed (still laying in my shelf).
  3. Hi, travelled a lot in Indonesia since 1992 and did a lot domestic flights with different companies in the past. Lion/Wings is notorious for delay and cancelled flights and it looks like it`s getting worse. We visited last year October/November for 2 month Indonesia for diving. First domestic connection with Lion was Denpassar-Makassar- Ambon. First booked stretch from Makassar was cancelled and we were booked on an earlier flight. After internationa arrival and some hours in Kuta DPS-UPG than was delayed 6h so we arrived after midnight in UPG and our new flight to Ambon was 05.00 in the morning instead of the primary booked flight at 09.00 that was cancelled by Lion. Fortunately we had booked the UPKG airport hotel so we found approx 3 hours sleep. Morning flight to Ambon delayed for 3 hours. Next step was Wings from Ambon to Saumlaki which worked fine. Next step Saumlaki- Ambon- Makassar-Manado nightmare again. Saumlaki- Ambon in time. Ambon- Makassar started 1 hour ahead of schedule. We had scheduled stop in UPG of 8h which turned out to 13h as we arrived one hour earlier and the flight to Manado was 4 hours delayed and than our luggage took 1,5h at MDC airport for pick up. Our pick up from the resort in Lembeh where waiting for hours till 3am at the airport to welcome us. After that we decided to fly with Garuda from Manado to Denpasar which worked fine. But be aware that compared to former times Garuda checked the hand luggage, not on check in but prior to boarding. We were lucky that they had already discussions with locals so we could path by without check. Extra sport/Diving luggage was no problem but we had to open the bag and they took photos of our diving equipment. Domestic travelling in Indonesia was much easier in former times. Just info on the current situation. Br Markus
  4. Hi, we did a lot of travelling in Indonesia for the last 20 years+. In the past overall domestic flight travel was o.K. . Visiting 2024 October/November for 2 month again (Ambon, Saumlaki, Manado, Denpasar...). Lion AIr was a nightmare at these times. Flights cancelled and extreme delayed. Not even one worked. Good thing Cabin was luggage never checked. Garuda these times checked weight of domestic flight MDC-DPS on local passengers but not ours. Just for your info. Br Markus
  5. The next piece of the puzzle no longer going to Mexico/Socorro
  6. Hi Tim, I removed all water stains plus some very small scratches on all my glass ports polishing by hand with cerium oxide/water mixture. It takes some time but the result is 👍👍👍. Br Markus
  7. Hi, we were very lucky with Sharkexpedition. Stayed at Maa Thundi. Very nice accomodation with excellent Internet access and very helpful staff. We stayed 4 weeks Maldives in May. Usually we also buy local Sim on our travel, but due to WLAN access at most places we didn`t need it. Br Markus
  8. Hi, I dive for more than 30 years worlwide. Fuva I did this year. I would never ever do freediving there with the tigers even with diveschools. The dive operators feed the sharks with fish/tuna rubbish. So from my of view it`s just to dangerous. Just my opinion......Anyway, everybody has it`s own view.... Br Markus
  9. Hi, stillviking wouldn't recommend snorkeling with Tigers. We dived 5 days there and stayed always close to the bottom. After session we moved quick back to our boat. The Tigers in the bluewater on our way back to the boat didn`t look very friendly and our guides were also a little bit stressed till we reached the boat. Br Markus
  10. Hi, nice shots. Missing some fish life. Br Markus
  11. Hi Tim, would like to join with 6m. Please contact before shipping since I`m diving Indonesia October + November for 2 month and nobody can receive parcels back home. Br Markus
  12. Hi, sorry but text on former postwas removed after i pushed the "submit reply" button, so here again: We dived and stayed Fuva with divepoint. Used Internet only in the hotel. Access was very good. On 5 days of diving we had 2 private session (one day 1/2 hour, one day 1 hour due to cancellation of following group) Tiger dives were amazing, outer reef dives not as expected. Br Markus
  13. GX010533_1714984680260.mp4
  14. Hi, Looking for Accupack/Electronic for Seacam Seaflash 150D. I need only working electronic charching element . If Batteries/Accus defect, no problem. Europe sellers prefered. Br Markus
  15. Hi, also interested in approx. 8-10m. Br Markus
  16. Hi, looked at my Nauticam port. Same installation of glass as Seacam & Hugy. Install big phase on the glass outside/waterside. I`m no native speaker and my english is not the best to explain the procedure. Might be it helps. VG Markus
  17. Hi, did`nt do it on a Nauticam Macroport. But I replaced glass on a Hugy Macroport and removed one on my Seacamport. I pushed out the glass from behind with something suitable. (I used a hammerhandle).It take some strenght and you must be careful that the you push the glas out parallel to the port housing. Getting old stuff out is usually harder than mount the new one. Use new O-Ring some grease and mount the new one is usually easier to handle with less force. Again be careful mount the glas parallel to port housing. BR Markus
  18. Hi all, current looking for spare O-rings for the Vacuum Valve for my Nauticam housing. Nauticam charges 15,-€ for this part. Which is a rip-off from my point of view. May be we can open a topic where everybody who knows dimensions of O-Rings for UW housings will share his knowledge . So we can buy this parts manufacturer independent. My focus here is NOT mainly the big housing O-rings (would be nice too), but O-rings for accesories, ball mounts, threads, valves, flash sockets...... Br Markus
  19. Hi, Nice report. Visited and dived Providencia 2019. 2019 it was necessary to hold a domestic return ticket from Bogota to San Andres otherwise you could`nt fly. Do`nt know how the officals handle this fact these days. I just had a look on my UW-Pics. UW flora and fauna at that time look quiet similar compared to your current pics. What i disliked 2019 was that local dive guides fed the sharks. Infrastructure 2019 good but not really touristy. We just flew to Providencia and choosed a guesthoue/hotel. Also a certain choice of restaurants and dive shops were available. Pitty that the storm destroyed nearly everything and there is not enough government efforts to support the locals more to rebuilt. Maybe some keen divers will visit Providencia to support the business of local people of Providencia. Br Markus
  20. Hi, any price idea on the Retras and the SMC. Interested. Br Markus
  21. Hi, looks great. What filament did you print with? Br Markus
  22. Hi, Just to clarify my post. I removed watermarks wihtin approx. 15-30min. I never use tools, always just a linnen cloth polishing by hands. I`m not talkin on repairing deep skratches. But slight scratches on the glass are also possible to be polished within less than 1 hour by hand. VG Markus
  23. Hi, I have used cerium oxide many times to remove watermark`s and even to polish small scratches at my glass ports. For me it works perfect. Br Markus
  24. Hi Makar0n, thanks for reply & offer. Just path me pm once you know details. We can then clarify shipment 6 payment. Br Markus
  25. Hi, thanks for sharing. Just downloaded the file and will have a look on the connector with my slicer software. What material did you print with? Br Markus
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