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    United States

BrightSea last won the day on January 2

BrightSea had the most liked content!

Additional Info

  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Canon R5
  • Camera Housing:
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Inon, Kraken80, BSMF2, Marelux ApolloS
  • Accessories:
    SMC, WWL-C, Kraken 7"V2


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Moray Eel

Moray Eel (6/15)

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  1. PRICE REDUCED - now only $600 This is a fabulous opportunity for someone starting budget wise, however, certainly offers ability to grow with quality images.
  2. Thank you Chris, I understand now.
  3. Thank you for reply and advice.
  4. I have a listing in classified, however, I want to reduce the price. Seems the pull down menu does not offer an edit option, what am I missing or need to know about the ability or action necessary to edit the price in my listing? Thank you in advance.
  5. Hello, where in Minnesota are you located? I am from Central Minnesota, currently living in Arkansas. Annually we get together for Pacific dive travel with a friendly group with several from Minnesota and Wisconsin.
  6. Hello Davide, it is redesigned, slimmer, weight similar to the 5" however provides 7" view. New specifications, resolution 3840x2160 vs original version 1920x1200. Each held title of being ultra bright 2200cd/m2 and 2200 nits. All new to me, seemed the V2 was the way to go. Kraken still selling KRM07 at discounted price of $1499, KRM07 V2 is $1999.
  7. I wanted to avoid the expense of a monitor and housing, I have purchased a Kraken 7" version 2. I am shooting a Canon R5 / Nauticam housing. I am hoping the monitor will be useful, additionally hope that I do not need to depend on focus peaking, not ever used previously, however, I though it may be easier to discern on monitor compared to through viewfinder. Dang, hoping for the best, as mentioned, headed to the pool to check it all out prior to an additional purchases.
  8. Hello Chris, appreciate your conversation. I have always used Nauticam 45 viewfinder, recently acquired the new 45 which is an improvement over orignal and very helpful. My issue is even with 45 viewfinder and Rx eye correction, still have compromised ability to see detail / sharp focus until cataract lens exchange is done. I am thinking the monitor will provide, a larger/closer look, additionally a good view / larger view if using focus peaking when using manual focus. Also, interested in EWML 160, a monitor will provide the ability to flip image without EWML Relay Lens. Additional thinking, the investment in monitor vs relay lens might be a more useful placement of $'s, however, seems will be a completely new adventure using a monitor and fear more equipment to tote around and much too cumbersome to enjoy it's use underwater. The purchase of the monitor is gamble at this point. Next is getting assembled and to the pool to see what I have gotten myself in to.
  9. Interesting quote that applies to this particular subject, what to pack as spares. Underwater photographers and planning / packing for underwater photography adventure face planning, purchasing, packing size & weight challenges. " I am doing many different things to prepare for the inevitable failure of one of them" by Jessie Eisenburg. I felt this quote is accurate to my thinking in planning and packing for my adventures.
  10. How do you like using a monitor, I have ordered a monitor and not yet underwater to test, I have an idea to acquire an EMWL 160. 67 year old eyesight thought the monitor may be useful with EMWL and otherwise, I am a bit concerned about the added size of equipment, you have anything to report? Would appreciate someone telling of using monitor. Thank you.
  11. Last I had read, they were closed for designing and new direction, the newer Sola X is a fabulous creation, a completely new design. Customer service over the many years had always been outstanding. Light & Motion was fabulously innovative and provided a variety of lighting options at many price points, hope the innovators from Light & Motion resurface!
  12. Where? Under what jetty, where did you stay?
  13. Spare Strobe trigger, not easy to acquire while traveling, learned from an underwater photography standpoint a spare can be a trip saver.
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