Hello Chris, appreciate your conversation. I have always used Nauticam 45 viewfinder, recently acquired the new 45 which is an improvement over orignal and very helpful. My issue is even with 45 viewfinder and Rx eye correction, still have compromised ability to see detail / sharp focus until cataract lens exchange is done. I am thinking the monitor will provide, a larger/closer look, additionally a good view / larger view if using focus peaking when using manual focus. Also, interested in EWML 160, a monitor will provide the ability to flip image without EWML Relay Lens. Additional thinking, the investment in monitor vs relay lens might be a more useful placement of $'s, however, seems will be a completely new adventure using a monitor and fear more equipment to tote around and much too cumbersome to enjoy it's use underwater. The purchase of the monitor is gamble at this point. Next is getting assembled and to the pool to see what I have gotten myself in to.