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Everything posted by Yorkie88

  1. Looks like it's 6.9kg on land and 1.8kg in the water so I'd better have a look at what combination I'll need to get! I left my wet lens and focus light off so 1.8kg of lift should leave it slightly negative I think. Maybe some of those fixed buoyancy carbon fibre arms for the bulk of it plus some removable floats for smaller adjustment if needed. I did see a stix belt for macro ports that could be a good way to add the floats without having all the arms covered in them. I've got a couple of Hyperion floats that total 0.8kg so I could use those too: https://www.onlinedivegear.com.au/products/hyperion-float-tube-set-large?variant=17897469706329
  2. Thanks everyone, I'll get the luggage scale out and go from there. Those adjustable buoys look like they'd be great for someone who changes the rig often. I was briefly looking at the adjustable arms from weefine but wasn't sure about them - they're relatively expensive and I'm assuming any kind of small leak would make them pretty useless for buoyancy. I might get some stix or similar floats that just attach to the arms, that way it can be adjusted if I change ports down the line, and if I'm settled with a specific setup later I could swap to the floating arms or something. Thanks again!
  3. Hi everyone, Just wondering if there's any resources for relatively common gear so I can get some kind of starting point for floats etc? Not sure if it's an exact science or individual to preferences and equipment. I've got the Nauticam A7RV housing, and will have 2 backscatter MF-2's, 4 cheap 6in arms (might swap them for floaty arms), and the 90mm macro port (think it's called the 105). I'm hoping someone out there might have a similar setup and might be able to give a pointer as to roughly how much buoyancy may be needed? Or does it vary enough that you just have to do trial and error, or weigh it in a big bucket? Thanks!
  4. Thanks - I'm still waiting for the housing to arrive so I think I'll be best measuring up when it arrives, rather than guessing now. I'm heading to the US for work in a few weeks but I've actually found somewhere selling them cheaper in Australia so I don't need to rush and bring one back from the states with me.
  5. I'm looking at getting one of the AO coolers for my rig, just thinking about a couple of things out loud in case anyone has experience with them 🙂 Is the 24 can size big enough for a full frame + 2 strobe rig or is 36 a better option? Is the 36 size generally allowed as carry-on/cabin baggage? Cheers!
  6. Yeah the cost was the main thing holding me back! I did put my order in on Friday though so I should be using this in the near future: Nauticam NA-A7RV Housing (with Vacuum Valve) Sony A7RV Body Sony 90mm Macro Turtle TTL Trigger (As a newbie to strobes, I think having TTL outweighed the ability to switch to rear curtain in the dive on the Manual trigger) 2 x MF-2 Strobes (should work for HSS if it's ever needed) I should be able to get some very high resolution, terrible shots of out of focus Nudibranches 😅 - hopefully will be able to get comfortable with it on local dives, before a trip to the Phillippines later in the year! Hopefully to get some more frogfish (my favourites) shots! Previous nudi and frogfish from Bali attached - this was with the Seafrogs and A6400 + 90mm + INON wet lens UCL-165, with a single Inon D-2000 strobe that I was using for the first time 😀 Thanks for the welcome!
  7. @Gudge is it possible to get the file for the 90mm at all? Would love to check it out! Don't suppose you'd have a zoom ring for the 28-60mm too? 😁
  8. Hello! Just joined the forum but been reading for a while! Looking at upgrading my A6400 + SeaFrogs Salted Line setup, to an A7RV + Nauticam setup in the near future! I've had the new camera for a few months but I've been hovering on the housing for a while.......it's a big step up from the SeaFrogs 😁
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